Rules for choosing a sofa for the balcony
When choosing a balcony sofa, it is important to consider some points. They are reflected in the form of purchase recommendations as follows:
- Correct determination of dimensions. The design may not fit in limited space. Some functions (unfolding) are at risk of not working.
- Optimal placement. The presence of furniture should not interfere with movement or the ability to use other functional elements of the room.
- Harmony of design. The sofa should not seem snatched from the overall style. It is advisable to correctly coordinate all things in the interior.
- Definition of functionality. You can sit on a hard base. It is difficult to sleep on plastic, rough wood, or wicker.
- Reasonable choice of materials. On an open, uninsulated loggia, there is a high risk of rapid damage to furniture.
On a warm, closed terrace, the interior can be as homely as possible. This applies to the choice of finishing materials and furnishings.
How to choose a sofa for a balcony
When choosing a sofa, it is not enough to focus only on the length and width of the room. There are other important criteria.
The first criterion is the purpose of the balcony
A well-designed balcony with a sofa is impossible without taking into account the purpose of this room.
Have you turned the loggia into a bedroom? Choose a compact product with a folding mechanism. In typical high-rise apartments, it is placed near the end wall so that it unfolds along the room.
Designer advice! The length of the berth for sofas varies. To avoid making a mistake in your choice, carefully measure the length of the loggia from the end wall to the door. Furniture should not block the entrance.
As a sleeping place for a child, you can use a children's sofa that folds out to the side. When assembled, it resembles a chair with one armrest.
An excellent option for a narrow long loggia
The choice of upholstered furniture for spacious balconies and terraces in country houses is much larger. These can be dimensional products with a “Eurobook” mechanism or corner models. For the latter, the width of the room is especially important.
Design of a spacious balcony with a sofa
Choosing a sofa for organizing a relaxation area is much easier. You are no longer limited by the size of your bed. Priority can be given to comfortable products intended only for sitting. To save space, choose models without armrests. A separate back in the form of pillows attached to the wall or a headboard with soft upholstery will visually lighten the interior.
If your plans include using the loggia as a place to store vegetables, pickles or oversized items, take a closer look at options with spacious drawers under the seat. It can be:
- Free-standing elements. They fill the available space and can be removed completely if necessary.
- Drawers with appropriate mechanism. Externally, this option resembles a mini chest of drawers or a cabinet with a seat.
- A box with a lid that also serves as a seat.
Option with drawers on “rails”
In a furniture showroom, pull out the drawers yourself or open the lid of the cellar. This will allow you to determine the level of comfort from their operation.
Criterion two – interior style
Large upholstered furniture on the loggia attracts attention and shapes the visual perception of the room. Therefore, the sofa must be selected in accordance with the chosen interior design.
A Provence style product can have several variations. Here you will find both solid soft models and solutions with a visible forged or wooden frame. What they have in common are:
- smoothness of lines;
- simplicity of forms;
- the use of textiles in checks, stripes, and floral patterns;
- minimal amount of decor – just a textile “skirt” along the bottom edge.
Provence style sofa with wooden armrests
Upholstered furniture in the Scandinavian style is also restrained and simple. Linen, cotton, velor, satin are the main upholstery materials. Characteristic colors: white, milky, coffee, beige, gray. Scandinavian sofas are usually plain and decorated with printed throws and pillows.
Products in the loft style are distinguished by their considerable dimensions, lack of decor, and simplicity of form. Usually these are straight, L- and U-shaped pieces of furniture. The traditional upholstery material is leather. Can be replaced with velor, linen. The fabric is plain, soft colors.
Classic-style furniture has elegant shapes, carved legs, ornate backs, decorated with decorative overlays, covered with gilding. The main material is light valuable wood. Expensive fabrics are used - plain velvet, brocade, velor. Let's assume a pattern in the form of stripes, a non-contrasting floral pattern.
Luxury and nobility in every line of classic furniture
Sofas in the Baroque spirit are even more pretentious and pretentious. In addition to the abundance of carvings and gilding, they are distinguished by luxurious fabrics of burgundy, rich emerald, and deep blue.
Modern models are presented in a wide range of colors. Legs and armrests are usually made of chromed metal. There is no decor, but textiles are often decorated with geometric prints.
A universal option for a balcony. The item is a floor-to-ceiling module with cabinets and shelves. On the lower tier of the “wall” there is a podium or other frame for a seat. It is possible to attach a folding mechanism.
The built-in sofa saves as much usable space as possible. Additional storage systems are usually organized under the seating area: drawers, boxes. When done with bright upholstery, such a sofa can become the center of attention.
Standing separately
It is permissible to place any model you like on the balcony. It is possible to use products of different shapes and sizes. For small spaces, mini sofas for the balcony are recommended. The appearance of the optimal model depends on the dimensions of the space. You can opt for a laconic version without an obvious backrest or armrests. It is permissible to install an unusual round, oval or triangular pedestal.
Features of furniture made from pallets for the balcony
Wooden pallets or pallets are boxes for storing and transporting building materials, various goods and products. Pallets are manufactured according to the standard and are available in the same sizes. European pallets have a size of 80x120 cm, Finnish pallets - 100x120 cm. The height of the products is 14.5 cm.
Pallets can be of different types. Products classified as first grade are clean, light and whole. The individual boards are fastened together with screws. Low-grade products have uneven inclusions and are darker in color. The components are nailed together with ordinary nails. Such designs can be used to create furniture with your own hands, which will require a minimum of time and financial costs.
Furniture made from pallets is characterized by high strength and low weight, thanks to which the product can be rearranged. The simplicity of the design allows it to be quickly assembled or disassembled, while it is easy to clean and maintain. From pallets you can make poufs, tables, sofas, racks, hanging shelves and armchairs for the balcony with your own hands. Elements made from pallets can be equipped with wheels for ease of movement.
Furniture made from pallets will organically fit into modern, Scandinavian, eco-style and loft style. The natural texture of the material fills the atmosphere with cleanliness, warmth and comfort, and such furniture does not overload the space. Pallets are used to create a strong and reliable base on which you can put a soft mattress and air pillows.
Pallets can be successfully used for the manufacture of balcony furniture
To make furniture made from pallets original, the surface of the boards can be covered with a layer of stain, painted with water-based paint of any color, or using the technique of aging wood or decoupage.
Corner models
Using a corner sofa on the balcony will help save space. The option is compact and roomy. You can choose a narrow option that resembles a bench or a full-fledged item with a folding mechanism. Small corner models can resemble a chair. Long narrow products can encircle almost the entire territory of the loggia. A small option can be placed in any area.
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How to place a sofa on the balcony?
In the case of a panoramic view balcony, classic sofas are most often used. A comfortable seating area located along a long wall will allow you to enjoy the landscape outside the window.
The photo shows the placement of a gray sofa in the interior of a balcony with panoramic glazing.
For a narrow loggia, roll-out or folding models with a transformation mechanism, such as an accordion or Eurobook, are perfect, which would be better placed with the back to a short wall. On a small balcony, it is advisable to install compact mini-sofas, folding or folding upholstered furniture, placing it in a corner or against the side walls.
Sofa with drawers below
Using a balcony sofa with drawers is a great solution. This way you can satisfy the need for a place to relax, without forgetting about an additional storage system. The model allows for the most efficient use of space.
Boxes can be any size. You can store bedding (linen, blankets) or various household items here.
Handmade sofa
Usually the happy owners of a glazed loggia wonder how to make a sofa on the balcony themselves, because not everyone has the financial means to purchase furnishings for a balcony.
Of course, if you have certain skills, you can assemble a sofa for the balcony with your own hands from what you have, such materials include old wooden boxes and boards.
These materials will be enough to make a sofa frame, which can then be covered with fabric and decorated with a beautiful blanket and sofa cushions. So, in order to assemble the sofa you will need:
- Wood beams;
- Plywood sheet;
- Stain;
- Carpentry tools, including a stapler;
- Fasteners;
- Foam rubber;
- Upholstery fabric.
Now you need to draw the details of the sofa in accordance with the required dimensions, after which they are cut out using a special knife, and the sofa is assembled using fasteners.
Then the structural parts are treated with stain, wood paint or varnish. After the frame has dried, foam rubber is attached to it with a stapler, then textiles are fixed to the foam rubber.
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That's all, the small sofa for the balcony is ready.
With folding mechanism
Not everyone wants to install a folding sofa on the balcony. Such models are usually more bulky. Sleeping on the balcony is only possible in exceptional cases. The option is good for a day's rest.
It is ideal if the folding mechanism is simple to use, and there is still room for movement around the area.
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Work process
A narrow sofa on the balcony is made as follows:
A drawing is prepared, for which careful measurements are taken. A blank is made from beams and plywood. It will be possible to work with it only after careful grinding and processing.
The frame is assembled (if we are talking about making a sofa-chest for a balcony or furniture with many drawers, you need to remember about them at this stage, and perhaps make a separate lid).
The frame is either covered with padding material and fabric in separate elements, or pillows and mattresses are made from them, which are attached to the future sofa with Velcro and elastic bands.
A furniture stapler will be used for fastening. It is better to sheathe the frame not yet assembled in parts - then it is very convenient to hide ugly edges.
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Popular colors
The soft part of the balcony sofa can be painted in any color. Large models are usually equipped with upholstery in natural tones. The priority is beige, gray, brown. You can add some color with decorative pillows.
Small sofas often serve as accents. In this case, choose bright upholstery. A colorful object sets a cheerful mood. The upholstery can be plain or colorful.
A good solution: the presence of removable covers. In this case, you can choose the color as you wish. You can change the picture according to seasons and events. Only the covers of numerous pillows can be made mobile.
Placement methods
You can place the sofa in any free place in the loggia. With panoramic glazing or on an open balcony, the item is “pressed” closer to the wall. Corner options are suitable.
For too tight spaces, transformable sofas are suitable. These are built-in or folding frames with removable pillows. In this case, a seat is organized according to need.
A small sofa can be placed around the perimeter of the wall under a glazed “showcase” or window. Frameless models can be placed in any convenient place, changing the location as necessary.
Choosing a sofa for the loggia is easy. Taking into account some nuances, you can create a surprisingly cozy, homely atmosphere. The balcony can become a favorite place for relaxation and friendly gatherings.
What about boxes?
The interior space of the storage box can be slightly “ennobled” - upholstered with fabric, covered with foil insulation or film. There are several other options for decorating the interior space. Can:
- make several vertical partitions in which to place boxes that you put together yourself;
- close the niches not with a solid front wall, but make several doors behind which to place drawers;
- leave this wall open, but make the boxes of such dimensions that they fit tightly into the niches intended for them.
Since balcony windows are often opened for ventilation, combating humidity in the room is a mandatory measure. It is especially important to take care of high-quality waterproofing of drawers if you plan to store bed linen, vegetables or canned food in them. If you don’t take any steps, mold will soon grow inside, spoiling not only food, but also fabrics.
Photo of sofas on the balcony
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