What is better: coil springs or block springs? | What is the difference


Springs for the sofa “Snake” are a filler for upholstered furniture that has a tortuous shape. The material of manufacture is high-carbon metal of varying thickness. The thickness and frequency of placement of springs depends on the type, size and purpose of the product. Despite the fact that serpentine springs can be installed on all types of furniture, experts recommend not purchasing furniture with a serpentine spring unit for daily use. Application area:

  • beds;
  • sofas;
  • couches;
  • mattresses;
  • armchairs;
  • backs of upholstered furniture.

The presence of constant pressure can lead not only to a decrease in the orthopedic effect, but also to breakage of the steel wire.

To extend the service life, sofa springs are coated with a special protective coating that prevents the appearance of corrosive areas.


Today, you can find upholstered furniture on sale not only with “Snake” springs, but also with the following spring blocks, which differ in their properties and parameters.

Fastening snake springs in a sofa

Installing springs is not particularly difficult, especially for experienced craftsmen.

REFERENCE! The spring is made of durable steel, which is bent under high temperatures.

Then it is coated with a special composition, thanks to which it does not corrode.

The springs are attached inside (or on) a metal or wooden frame. In this case, a certain distance between the fasteners in the transverse direction is maintained.

The fasteners themselves are curved and are used for greater reliability. Their number is determined by the size and shape of the furniture. The frame of the product is very stable and does not sway.

There must be a polyurethane foam layer between the snake and the frame. It prevents hard material from coming into contact with the upholstery.

IMPORTANT! Furniture with such a spring has good performance characteristics and can last at least 20 years.

Why is the filler called “snake”?

The twisting shape of a metal spiral, such as a snake takes while moving, gave the inventors of furniture improvements an idea of ​​what to call the spring filler in upholstered sofas and chairs.

The “snake” is formed at high temperature . This is the only way to bend strong, rigid steel to the required parameters. To prevent the spring from rusting, it is treated with an anti-corrosion compound. Place the finished workpiece in the frame, where it is securely fixed with a special fastener. To prevent the “snake” from touching the upholstery and damaging it, a polyurethane layer . Sofas with this inner padding are in consumer demand.

The reasons for this popularity are the following factors:

  • Resistance to loads while maintaining shape under a heavy body.
  • Long service life without defects or repairs.
  • Quiet operation with no annoying squeaks.
  • Ventilation properties, the sofa “breathes” and does not have adverse effects on the health of the occupant.
  • There are no holes, bumps, or uneven spots on the bed.
  • Easy installation and transportation.

Upholstered furniture with a “snake” installed inside is endowed with an orthopedic effect , so doctors recommend sleeping on such a lounger if patients have problems with the skeletal system.

The developers tried to get rid of the previous shortcomings of springs and made the spiral more stable. Previously, if obese riders tried to stand up, they had difficulty doing so, as they sank so deeply into the seat. Today, sofas are soft and elastic at the same time; they do not allow your figure to sink. The assembly of such structures is also simple, which the craftsmen do with pleasure.


Parameters/DesignDependent blockIndependent
PriceLowThe higher the spring density, the higher the price. TFK is not much more expensive than Bonnel.
Sleeping weight90-120 kg. In some cases up to 150 kg. From 110 kg (TFC) to 170 kg (S2000)
RigidityLow.The more springs, the higher the stiffness.
Life timeDepends on the fillers, on average about 5-7 years.Up to 10 years with high-quality fillers and careful handling.
Wave and hammock effectPresentAbsent
EnduranceA basic level ofThe higher the spring density, the higher it is.
Orthopedic qualitiesBasicHigh level. The higher the spring density, the more pronounced they are.
TransportationRoll models availableRoll models available
Who is it suitable for?For sleeping alone for people of standard build without problems with sleep and postureFor comfortable sleep alone and as a couple. There are a variety of block types available to suit different body types. Suitable as a preventive measure for signs of poor posture and back pain.
When is it recommended to buy?When you need the cheapest option of at least 16 cm for organizing a temporary sleeping place. For example, for guests or during renovation. Suitable for daily sleep

We will make a comparison based on 3 main points: convenience, wear resistance and cost.

First of all, let's look at comfort, because, one way or another, this plays a decisive role when choosing a furniture attribute, even despite the price, although it does not occupy the last place. A little theory about springy fillings. They are either dependent or not. What does it mean?

In simple terms, the first option has survived more than one generation, and if you are hoping to relax on furniture where this particular technology will be used, then you are unlikely to succeed.

The second branch is more interesting for its technical component. On the other hand, a filler like latex will really relax your spine and allow you to truly get a good night's sleep.

Good or bad?

Like any spring block, the “Snake” design has a number of advantages and disadvantages.


  • ability to withstand high load levels;
  • increasing the service life of furniture;
  • long-term retention of shape;
  • ease of installation;
  • ease of transportation;
  • no creaking;
  • presence of anti-corrosion coating;
  • maintaining natural ventilation;
  • long period of operation;
  • affordable price range.

Due to the rigidity of the frame and the absence of a rolling effect, this type of spring is often more convenient than other models.


  • low depreciation rates;
  • impossibility of use in folding furniture.

Tips for choosing

The correct choice of a spring block is the key to long-term use of furniture and comfortable rest. When purchasing upholstered furniture, you must consider the following basic parameters:

  • diameter of the wound circle;
  • thickness of metal elements;
  • height;
  • number of bends in 1 m2.

We should not forget about the general parameters:

  • level of resistance to loads;
  • period of operation;
  • orthopedic indicators;
  • air exchange intensity;
  • level of elasticity and rigidity.

All spirals must be packed in a special non-woven material, and to create structural integrity, all parts are united by a metal frame. To fill the gaps, it is permissible to use latex, coconut coir, memorix, horsehair, and felt.

The following points must also be taken into account:

  • purpose of the structure;
  • transformation type;
  • the need for an orthopedic effect;
  • quality of internal filler;
  • adequacy of the price range.

You should purchase any interior item only from large retail chains that sell quality goods from well-known manufacturers. It is mandatory to have all quality certificates and permits, which is a guarantee of the safety and durability of upholstered furniture.

Types of spring blocks

Block structures installed in sofas can have different designs. Each type differs from the other mainly:

  • the method of forming a single block;
  • properties of the part;
  • quality of materials;
  • price;
  • other parameters.

Sofas can be equipped with spring blocks of various designs

When choosing a specific option, you need to understand what you will get if you use it. We invite you to take a look at what you can choose from.

Type No. 1 – dependent springs

This type of spring is found, as a rule, in sofa models that are already outdated. However, it is worth saying that they have two undeniable advantages that cover the mentioned obsolescence:

  • affordable price;
  • convenience.

All structures presented in blocks of this type are connected to each other by a single strong wire made of strong and flexible metal. It turns out that the impact that you exert on only one of the springs that make up this block automatically extends to all the metal elements surrounding it.

Mattress structure with dependent spring block

The most famous type of dependent springs are Bonnell blocks. They are often found because they belong to the economy segment of the market, and at the same time they do not cause any complaints from the people who use them.

The main positive features of Bonnell-type dependent blocks can be considered:

  • comfort of use;
  • long service life.

If you touch a sofa equipped with a block of dependent springs at one point and purposefully act on only one of them, all the others will also be involved, since this steel sheet is inseparable

The formation of spring blocks of this type is carried out using spring twists having two cones. To create each spring, pure high-carbon steel is used, the characteristics of which include:

  • high strength;
  • reliability;
  • complete environmental safety and cleanliness.

These springs are made of high-carbon pure steel, strong, capable of withstanding any load and returning to its original state

Springs of this type are laid on a special platform, which is formed from solid building panels, for example:

  • chipboard;
  • MDF;
  • plywood, etc.

Such a strong base not only gives rigidity to the sofa, but also protects our spring unit from sagging and damage from below.

Corner sofas are also equipped with similar blocks, however, for their convenience it is necessary to cover the sides of the structure with polyurethane foam boxes

Prices for different types of corner sofas

Corner sofa

Provided that the dependent type of springs is used to equip corner-type sofas, then the block made up of them must be sheathed along the edges with special boxes, the body of which is created directly from polyurethane foam. Layers are laid sequentially on top of this structure:

  • foam rubber;
  • then felt;
  • and then the batting.

Not only sofas are equipped with a Bonnell spring block, but also mattresses, which are still quite popular today and are often purchased in stores

The desired system of blocks, although considered slightly outdated, is built into sofas that have various transforming mechanisms, for example:

  • Eurobooks;
  • accordions, etc.

The service life of dependent spring mechanisms is at least 10 years, at least this is the guarantee you can expect from manufacturers. However, this period will only be relevant if you buy a really high-quality design, in which not only the springs, but also the other segments of the body can be used for many years, while maintaining elasticity, integrity and original quality.

Unfortunately, from an orthopedic point of view, such sofas are not considered a healthy place to sleep.

However, it must be said that structures of this type have very poor characteristics from an orthopedic point of view. Yes, they can be comfortable, but it is really difficult for the body to relax on such springs. Sleeping on a sofa with a block of dependent springs on an ongoing basis cannot be called useful. Over time, constantly being “in the arms” of such sofas will lose your original comfort, as you will begin to feel constant tension and painful discomfort in those parts of the body where there were none before.

However, if we are talking about buying a sofa that will only equip an area for evening relaxation and receiving guests, this option can be considered quite acceptable, since it is inexpensive and can create a certain atmosphere of relaxation.

Type No. 2 – independent springs

According to data provided by orthopedists in our country, we can get the most physiological sleep on sofas, which have a built-in block of independent springs that is much more suitable for our body and health in general.

The difference between dependent and independent spring blocks can seriously affect your health

Such sofas are actually capable of creating for our musculoskeletal system, that is, the skeleton and muscle tissue, the most optimal conditions for relaxation, which in the future will turn out to be the safest.

So, a person who sleeps on furniture with such blocks every day will note that he:

  • sleeps well;
  • restores strength;
  • feels only cheerfulness in the body and no negative sensations.

Independent type springs make the sofa many times more comfortable and healthy as a bed for sleeping and simply relaxing.

Prices for various types of Eurobook sofas

Eurobook sofas

The operating principle of the spring block we are considering is strikingly different from the dependent system of metal twists. So, if you act on only one of its component spring cups, the rest will remain unaffected.

The impact exerted on one of the springs does not in any way affect the elements next to it, which ultimately makes it possible to maintain the “weak” areas of the human body

Due to this feature, optimal retention occurs:

  • lower back of the human body;
  • other problem areas of the body.

Of course, this type of spring blocks is much more expensive than the one we described above, and this is due to its great benefits for human health, which justified the initially high costs of the manufacturer.

Differences in the design features of the spring block of independent and dependent types

We can say that blocks of independent springs are as universal as blocks of dependent ones, and that they can be built directly into sofas equipped with any type of transformation mechanisms, so if you still prefer a more expensive option, you can find the most attractive sofa model.

This spring design has many different features

Quite often, accordion-type sofas are also produced, into which independent blocks are built. In addition, they can be installed not only in the piece of furniture under discussion, but also in mattresses, armchairs and other interior elements.

Features of independent spring blocks

The more springs your sofa contains, the more expensive that particular model will be. However, at the same time as its cost, the convenience of using the sofa bed will also increase, regardless of whether you sleep on it all the time or just sit down in the evenings in front of the TV with a cup of aromatic tea.

A sofa in which there is a block of the type we are interested in can simultaneously accommodate several people, and they, sitting even close to each other, will not roll into the area of ​​greatest pressure, precisely due to the tearing of the canvas.

The most inexpensive models of sofas with an installed block of independent springs are those that have only about 250 springs. Models that are more expensive are usually equipped with a number of springs equal to approximately one thousand.

A block of independent springs can be called a real orthopedic breakthrough in the field of equipping upholstered furniture

The technique for creating an independent type of spring block is called a multipack. Of course, you can’t create it at home, however, we can still look at the instructions for making it, which may help specialists in this field.

Instructions: how to assemble an independent spring block

Step No. 1 – determine the parameters of the elements of the spring block

So, the first step will be to calculate what kind of mattress you want to make. To do this, we define in the following sequence:

  • number of springs;
  • diameter of steel twists;
  • number of turns;
  • size of packages for springs.

To sew a spring block, you first need to calculate all its parameters, for example, determine how many springs per square meter you will make to equip the future sofa

This sequence is correct, since the diameter of these elements, the number of turns with which they will be represented, as well as the size of the covers or fabric bags that are put on these springs will depend on the number of springs placed in a specific area of ​​the sofa.

So, most often the diameter of the springs varies between 2 and 6 centimeters, the maximum number of turns in the height of the spring is 8 units, and the filling of springs per square meter of the sofa can range from 250 pieces to 1200.

It is believed that the most optimal number for such spring blocks is a system in which there are at least 435 springs. If there are fewer of them, sleeping on the sofa will no longer be so comfortable. In addition, in a minimal amount, springs, even with all the positive effects they provide, will not last too long.

Remember, the more springs, the more comfortable it will be to sleep on the sofa, which means it’s better to increase their number, if possible

In addition, you, as a manufacturer, will only benefit if you install more springs in the unit, since in this case you can legally increase the price of your sofa by a significant amount.

Step No. 2 – making fabric covers

So, now we will need to form textile pockets with the same parameters using the given technology. Initially, they go separately from each other, but a little later, when they are all ready, they are connected to each other. It is in this gentle way that all parts of the system are connected, which allows you to leave the springs disconnected from each other and provide all those amazing positive effects that we are talking about in this article.

The manufactured covers must completely match the parameters of the springs, since otherwise they will quickly deform and fail, which will also complicate the use of the unit by its owners

Step No. 3 - manufacturing and installation of springs

At this stage, the springs included in the block are manufactured and installed. Of course, the springs will be different in each case, since, as we said above, their parameters depend on several different factors.

Make sure that the springs and fabric pockets fit together, and you can place the metal twists inside the bags provided for them

After the springs are made, they are secured inside the fabric pockets. Each spring has a separate pocket. Inside the pocket, this part is fixed, and the fabric shell itself is closed. Hurray, our independent spring unit is ready, you can install it in either a mattress or a sofa!

Please note: you may not know, but springs manufactured in factories can have not only a barrel shape, as in the pictures above, but also an hourglass. In their latest form, they are used by the nationwide manufacturer of upholstered furniture and mattresses, Ascona.

Type No. 3 – snake

This type of spring block belongs to the category of traditional and simplified mechanisms. Its design involves fixing all available springs relative to a specialized frame. This structure of the system gives it reliability and the necessary rigidity, creating that same repulsive effect of springs.

Soft material is placed on top of the snake, for example, felt and foam rubber are excellent.

The snake spring block is a budget option, which, however, is rarely used for equipping sofas, since it does not withstand loads

The desired type of spring blocks can be used both for sitting and, in fact, for the back of the sofa. Unfortunately, such non-trivial versatility is overshadowed only by the fact that the “snake” type block is characterized by instability to loads, and that is why during operation, especially intensive use, it quickly begins to lose elasticity and sag.

That is why this design is used for sofas as rarely as possible. The required block is not suitable for sleeping at all.

Unfortunately, the snake is prone to rapid deflection, therefore, it is rarely used as a spring block for sofas

Advantages and disadvantages

Each type of filler has a set of properties that determine its main characteristics. Both the spring and polyurethane foam options have their pros and cons.


There are several types of spring blocks:

  • Independent. It is a series of individual springs, each of which has its own cover. Deformation of one part occurs regardless of the others. This sofa base has orthopedic properties, which has a positive effect on the spine and back muscles. The independent spring block for the sofa can withstand weight up to 150 kg. Among the disadvantages, one can note the high cost compared to other options.
  • Dependent. The springs are always connected to each other. Under the weight of the human body, they are deformed in an unbroken chain, so you should not expect an orthopedic effect from such a sofa. The maximum weight that a dependent spring block in sofas can withstand is 100 kg. This is a disadvantage for people with large body weight. Relative advantage: low cost.
  • Snake. This is the most modern and technologically advanced unit of all those present on the market. The “snake” spring block for the sofa practically does not sag under the weight of the human body and does not creak during operation. Its elements are difficult to damage, so this variety is considered the most durable. Maximum weight – 120 kg.

The undeniable advantages of spring blocks:

  • Duration of operation. Thanks to the use of high-quality steel for the manufacture of metal coils, the average service life of the product is 10 years.
  • Price-quality ratio. It is determined by the practicality and durability of the product.
  • Increased load level. The filler is ideal for people of heavy build.

Among the disadvantages of the filler, experts name:

  • Lack of orthopedic effect.
  • Susceptibility to deformation. Over time, the structure of the steel changes, causing the sofa to sag and become lower.
  • Complex and expensive repairs. Repairing upholstered furniture with a spring block is very difficult, which will incur large financial costs. It is especially unprofitable to repair a sofa with dependent springs, since they need to be changed all at once - as a common unit.

To reduce the load on the sofa and extend the life of the product, you need to take care of the presence of sofa cushions made of silicone or foam rubber.




Polyurethane foam

In everyday life, polyurethane foam filling for sofas is often called foam rubber. It restores its shape well, as it is a lightweight porous material. There are several types of polyurethane foam:

  • Latex. One of the most modern PPU fillers. Soft and highly elastic material. It has an orthopedic function, is hypoallergenic (like any polyurethane foam mattresses), safe and comfortable during use. Withstands weight up to 120 kg.
  • Molded (cast). It is a block of a certain shape, cast using a special blank. This production technology allows cast polyurethane foam to be used in the manufacture of furniture of various shapes. As resilient and elastic as latex. It is of high quality due to its density. Maximum user weight is 130 kg.
  • Sheet. Initially it is produced in the form of a single sheet of foam rubber (hence the name), then the polyurethane is cut into pieces of different shapes for further production of furniture. The most inexpensive option of all presented. Withstands weight up to 100 kg.

Furniture in the budget segment contains glue used to hold parts together - such sofas can provoke allergies.

Advantages of the filler:

  • hypoallergenic material, which is extremely important for people prone to allergic reactions;
  • environmental friendliness and safety;
  • hardness balance;
  • lack of ability to absorb odors and accumulate dirt;
  • affordable price compared to spring models.

The disadvantages of the filler are the following features:

  • Foam rubber is highly flammable, and when burned, toxic substances are released.
  • Budget models quickly lose their shape, making the sofa unusable.

The PPU filling for the sofa does not accumulate dust, and there is also no chance of mold appearing due to dampness, since the material is treated with a special solution.




Common features of different designs

Upholstered furniture, the seat of which has a spring base, regardless of what type of assembly is chosen by the manufacturer, has a steel spiral inside.

The common ones are:

  • The designer’s efforts to create a model that is updated in shape, but still capable of providing a person with complete rest.
  • The springs can withstand loads and there is no discomfort during sleep.
  • Shaping surfaces to fit a figure.
  • Long service life without deformation.
  • No squeaks.
  • The filler is high quality and environmentally friendly.

Sofa manufacturers are trying to produce products at prices affordable to all categories of buyers.


Furniture springs are assembled using different assembly methods.

Therefore it turns out different:

  1. Orthopedic property . In independent designs this effect is more pronounced.
  2. Bonnels connected by wire can be pressed through under load in one area and in the rest; mattresses have insufficient ability to take the shape of the body.
  3. Spirals are laid on materials of different quality and composition; the principle of fastening is different in all models.
  4. A sofa with a “snake” cannot be folded out ; they begin to sag from long-term use.
  5. Seats with independent springs are raised too high , which is inconvenient for sofas, more suitable for beds.

It must be taken into account that furniture with the highest orthopedic properties is not a therapeutic instrument by its intended purpose; it only relieves muscle tension and gives rest to the organs.

What to look for when purchasing

The right choice will ensure long-term and reliable operation of the furniture, so when purchasing you need to consider the following points:

  • degree of resistance to mechanical loads;
  • indicators of rigidity and elasticity;
  • orthopedic qualities;
  • service life specified by the manufacturer.

In addition, the design features of the product can affect the service life of the product. When choosing furniture, it is worth considering its purpose, as well as the conditions in which it will be used. If an orthopedic effect is required, it is worth checking the quality of the internal filler, the reliability of the fastening elements and transforming mechanisms.

Operating rules

In order for the spring block to last longer, you need to follow the basic rules for handling upholstered furniture:

  • do not stand on the sofa with your feet, so as not to create a point load in one place;
  • do not jump on it from a running start, so as not to damage the mechanism;
  • carefully lay out and fold furniture to prevent deformation of the frame;
  • If creaks appear or the sofa sag, immediately carry out repairs (on your own or call a specialist);
  • When rearranging, do not drop or shake the sofa.

Careful handling of the sofa will increase its service life.

The more carefully the furniture is used, the longer it will serve its owners.

Disadvantages of the “snake” spring block

There were no obvious shortcomings in furniture with these springs.

Among the negative aspects of springs are their poor shock-absorbing properties. For example, when a person sits on a sofa, it quickly sags under the influence of his weight. When trying to stand up, the person sitting sinks even further into the surface of the sofa. Especially obese and elderly people may find it difficult to quickly stand up on their own.

And also at the first stages of using such furniture, this fact will be inconvenient for lovers of hard surfaces. However, this drawback is not critical and you can get used to it.

Thus, snake spring blocks have gained popularity both among buyers and among furniture assemblers. They have excellent performance characteristics and will serve the owners for many years, to the delight of their owners. Taking into account the pros and cons of these designs, you can decide whether such furniture is suitable for you.

Spring blocks and their characteristic features

Furniture designers have always tried to improve the sofa not only in its shape, but also to make the core more comfortable and remove all operational disadvantages. This is how fillers appeared, assembled into dependent and independent spring blocks, which differ:

  1. The diameter of the wound circle.
  2. Height.
  3. Thickness of metal blanks.
  4. The number of bends per square meter.

The basic technology has not changed, and the requirements for the product remain the same in relation to:

  • Weight resistant.
  • Period of use.
  • Orthopedic properties.
  • Air exchange.
  • Standards of elasticity and rigidity.

Independent blocks are an assembly of barrel-shaped untouchable elements . Each steel spiral was packaged in durable non-woven material, the cells were connected by gluing them with tape or installed in a restrictive metal frame. The result was a block united into a single whole.

The following is used as a filler for the gaps between the covers:

  • Latex.
  • Coconut coir.
  • Memorix.
  • Horsehair.
  • Felt.

Sofas with independent spring cells:

  1. Maintains the curvature of the spine.
  2. They serve for a long time.
  3. They don't creak.

The type of another spring filler, which is a dependent structure, was called “Bonnel” . In such a block, the connections differ in the configuration of the spirals. There are only 5 turns , and in the middle they are smaller in size than at the top and bottom.

Soft synthetic fillers

They are good because they do not cause allergies and allow air to pass through, so they do not harbor germs. Such fillers differ in the way the fibers are laid.


This sofa upholstery is made from synthetic and natural fibers. They are laid in a vertical position and fastened with hot air.

— struttofiber makes the sofa elastic;

- allows air to pass through well;

- the fibers act in the same way as springs in an independent unit - each cell works separately. Therefore, struttofiber padding is beneficial for the spine;

- does not burn and does not cause allergies;

- such a sofa will last a long time.


The material is made by twisting and splicing synthetic fibers. The result is a spiral filler that allows air to pass through well.

- keeps its shape and remains warm;

— does not crumble under the influence of the sun;

— does not retain odors and does not spread fungus;


Durafil is a high quality non-woven fabric. It is created from polyester - hollow fibers that are arranged vertically.

- the material is elastic;

- does not cause allergies and does not burn;

— germs and dust mites do not appear in Durafil.


To obtain synthetic down, manufacturers comb and twist polyester. The result is a material that looks like natural fluff. After treatment with silicone, the fibers are joined.

- voluminous and soft padding;

— synthetic fluff is obtained in the form of spirals, so it retains heat and shape well;

— germs and fungus do not form in a sofa with synthetic down.


This synthetic filling for upholstered furniture is made from polyester fibers. In furniture it is often used with other fillers and installed immediately before the upholstery.

It does not hold its shape well and can shrink under heavy loads. There is no uniform standard in production, so buyers risk getting low-quality padding polyester that is harmful to health.

— does not absorb moisture into the fibers;

- not oxidized by oxygen.


In the production of this hollow fiber, no adhesives or polymer emulsions are used, so sofas with comforters are considered safe. Comfortable furniture and pillows are recommended for children and pregnant women.

— does not cause allergies and is environmentally friendly;

— a sofa with such padding is hard and at the same time restores its shape well;

— the comforter does not pill after several washes;

— does not burn, there are no parasites in it;

Viscoelastic foam

This filler was created by NASA for space programs. It repeats and remembers the contours of the body.

When the load is removed, the foam slowly returns to its original shape. This occurs due to a reaction to body temperature.

— viscoelastic foam evenly distributes weight over the surface of the sofa. This is good for the spine;

— absorbs up to 90% of the energy that acts on it;

- cushions well, but does not allow air to pass through well.

Who will be the best for each model?

It is impossible to imagine the decoration of rooms without upholstered furniture . A person with a bad back is better suited to a hard sleeping place; a mattress with an independent spring filler is endowed with all the properties for this case.

Bonnell is also hard and elastic, but distributes the load worse. “Snakes” have the lowest orthopedic properties compared to similar products, poor shock absorption, but you don’t have to sleep there; you can choose an item solely for watching movies.

In any case, you must follow the doctor's recommendations if you have problems with the musculoskeletal system or the spine. Healthy people pay attention to the price, appearance and manufacturer's company. But you need to look at the totality of properties of a commercial product, its structural components and internal structure.

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