Dry cleaning of upholstered furniture at home: 7 reasons to order it and whether you can do it yourself

Types of cleaning

The reasons for turning to professionals may be children's pranks, animals, large house parties, or preparing an apartment for long-term rent. But except in urgent cases, experts advise cleaning upholstered furniture at least once a year. The fact is that dust and dirt settle deep in textiles, which leaves an unpleasant odor, spoils the appearance, and residents continue to breathe stale air.

Most often, the term “dry cleaning” refers to processing using the extractor method. In this case, cleansing consists of three stages:

  • applying a chemical composition to the surface;
  • active work of the solvent for some time;
  • sucking out the composition along with dirt through a vacuum device.

Because of this, upholstered furniture does not need to be washed or treated with water in any way, which simplifies the whole process. The cleaning specialist's task is to select the correct chemical composition for a specific fabric or product. The specialist also builds a sequence of cleansing procedures and uses unique tools. All this helps not to harm the furniture, but at the same time completely get rid of stains, internal dirt and unpleasant odors. Based on his experience, the expert selects the most gentle and hypoallergenic solvent that will not cause inconvenience to apartment residents.

With this device, the master sucks up the solvent along with dust and dirt Source st24.stblizko.ru

But not all interior items are processed using the extractor method. Professional furniture dry cleaning also means that the master will select the most suitable type of cleaning. In most cases, the following technologies are used:

  • Dry cleaning. The most common type of professional dry cleaning. Using the method described above, solvents suitable for the fabric are selected, after which they are removed from the material. Before such cleaning, it is necessary to remove large layers of dirt, since during a chemical reaction they can become permanently attached to the fabric. Synthetic fabrics and artificial leather are best cleaned using this method.
  • Wet cleaning. During professional water cleaning, ordinary water is used as a solvent. To enhance the effectiveness of wet cleaning, various detergents are added to the water. They form an emulsion that helps completely remove dirt from textiles, but does not damage the internal structure. After the procedure, the fabric is additionally treated with a steam gun or steam brush.

Wet cleaning can also be done at home Source svekrovi.net

  • Deep cleaning. A good cleaning company uses deep cleaning tools in one way or another when processing furniture. Using a special vacuum cleaner or a compressed air gun, all microscopic particles are removed from sofas and pillows. At the same time, the treatment depth reaches 10 centimeters, which allows you to permanently get rid of dust in furniture and remove the cause of the unpleasant odor.

In all three cases, one way or another, mechanical methods are used to remove dirt and solvent from furniture.
Some companies provide cleaning with a steam generator and a vacuum cleaner as a separate method, but most often this treatment only allows you to get rid of bacteria or the largest contaminants, without a complete cleaning effect. Many people do not trust cleaning services and try to clean furniture themselves. It's cheaper, but the choice of cleaning tools for the average user is limited. Vacuum cleaners, special detergents and traditional methods are used. But such treatment does not guarantee the removal of contaminants, and sometimes even harms the furniture.

Do-it-yourself cleaning can often go wrong Source historyclothing.ru

Recommendations for removing stains

When removing stains from upholstery, it is necessary to take into account 4 factors, which together will lead to an effective result:

  • detergent;
  • temperature;
  • waiting time;
  • tools.

A decrease in the impact of one factor must be compensated by the predominance of another. That is, if it is not recommended to clean the fabric with special chemicals, then it is necessary to exert more intense mechanical pressure on the upholstery using dry cleaning tools. This principle will allow you to effectively remove any contaminants.

Before using the product to clean the entire surface, you should test it on a small area of ​​the textile surface. This method will allow you to evaluate how this type of cleaning chemical affects the upholstery material. Cleaning agents are not suitable for fabrics such as leather. Therefore, dry cleaning of leather furniture at home should be carried out carefully without the use of chemicals so that the upholstery does not crack. The choice of detergents or folk recipes depends only on the upholstery material.

Upholstery typeRemoving stainsCleaning
FlockDry cleaning with foam from a foam sponge. Wet cleaning with a brush and mild soap to remove grease stains. Wet cleaning with mild soap and sponge.
VeloursDry cleaning with foam and a foam sponge and soaking with a dry cloth.Wet cleaning with mild soap and sponge.
Faux leatherWet cleaning with a mild chemical detergent.Wipe with a cloth soaked in a 10% alcohol solution.
SuedeDry cleaning with a foam sponge and soaking with a dry cloth.Wet cleaning with mild soap and sponge.
TapestryDry cleaning with foam.Extractor or dry foam cleaning.



Faux leather

To properly dry clean upholstered furniture at home, you need to clarify the origin of the contamination. Further actions for cleaning stains and choosing the appropriate detergents depend on this.

To eliminate stubborn stains on a sofa or armchair, it is necessary to use special stain removers that effectively remove stains of varying degrees of complexity.

Dry cleaning of soft interior items in an apartment is a responsible step that must be taken after carefully thinking through everything. To maintain the original appearance of your favorite sofa, you need to determine the upholstery material, and then choose the right tools and cleaning products. Need furniture dry cleaning? You can’t put it off until tomorrow, you should do it today! Photos will help you better understand how furniture is cleaned.

Pros and cons of cleaning upholstered furniture yourself

Not everyone who encounters serious stains on furniture or textiles orders dry cleaning at home. It’s easier for people to try to deal with pollution on their own and use universal household chemicals. The reason for this approach is the belief among clients that chemical cleaning services are less affordable than regular household cleaning. When choosing between two stain removal methods, people consider the following advantages:

  • Economic benefit. It is cheaper to try to remove dirt and stains yourself than to order dry cleaning of upholstered furniture, the price of which reaches 5-6 thousand rubles. However, the cost may increase if additional chemicals are required to treat sensitive tissue. But in fact, such cleaning can save a lot of money, as it will preserve the freshness and original condition of sofas, armchairs and chairs for a long time.
  • Rapidity. In an hour, a master can completely process a two or three-seater sofa. During this time, you can completely tidy up one room on your own. It is much faster to handle the room and furniture with your own hands.

Sometimes it’s faster to clean a room yourself Source hozhelp.ru

  • Availability. Every housewife has at hand all the necessary furniture cleaning kits - brushes, rags, a vacuum cleaner. At your local store you can purchase universal detergents that are designed to remove dirt from any surface.
  • Convenience. To call a cleaning company, you need to set aside personal time. The owner of the furniture will have to monitor their work and delve into the dry cleaning process. It is much more convenient to take the entire procedure into your own hands and not depend on strangers when cleaning.

But in some cases, dry cleaning of upholstered furniture and carpets is an indispensable procedure. Some stains not only disturb the appearance of the furniture, but also cause an unpleasant odor. Other textile products accumulate a lot of microscopic particles and become a constant cause of dust in the room. Even furniture made of leather and natural materials can become this way if you do not dry clean the furniture at home for a long time.

The master does his job efficiently and professionally Source himchistka-vspb.ru

Therefore, cleaning yourself has its disadvantages:

  • No effect. Without the use of special cleaning tools and professional solvents, removing stains will not be easy. Most often, owners of fabric sofas, carpets and armchairs do not achieve the desired effect. As a result, stains remain on the outer shell of interior items or, even worse, foreign odors cannot be removed.
  • Tissue damage. Most household cleaners sold in stores contain oxygen bleach. If the temperature or concentration is incorrect, it can discolor or damage the fabric. If you keep such a composition applied to furniture for too long, it can cause fabric burns. Therefore, you should not use universal tools without any experience.
  • Additional expenses. If, during the process of cleaning yourself, you incorrectly used the detergent and left damage to the textiles, this may lead to additional repairs or processing of the material. In order not to doubt the correctness of your actions and not to spend even more, it is better to turn to professionals.

The consequences of self-cleaning can be disastrous Source static.moydom.ru
See also: Catalog of house projects presented at the “Low-Rise Country” exhibition.

Required Tools

How is upholstered furniture dry-cleaned at home? Where should you start? Of course, from the selection of the necessary tools that will be the main assistants in this matter. Not everyone has special dry cleaning equipment at hand. To clean soft interior items at home with your own hands, you will need:

  • vacuum cleaner;
  • brush;
  • rag or sponge;
  • clothes steamer or steam cleaner.

Washing vacuum cleaner

Steam cleaner

Different types of vacuum cleaners are suitable for cleaning upholstery material, depending on the type of stain. Special attachments that come with washing vacuum cleaners will allow you to get rid of stubborn dirt. A handheld vacuum cleaner is designed for surface removal of dirt and dust. For high-quality cleaning, you can purchase additional accessories for a regular vacuum cleaner: nozzles, air bags, water filters.

If cleaning is carried out using a brush, then you need to pay attention to the material from which the product is made. For a more thorough cleaning of upholstery fabric, you will need a brush with stiff bristles. If you give preference to a rag, it should be soft and made of natural material. A steam cleaner as a cleaning tool not only carefully removes any dirt, but also helps to disinfect the fabric from germs.

Why spend money on expensive tools for removing stains, if every housewife has ordinary household appliances in her arsenal? When used correctly, you can clean a sofa, armchair or soft pouf with your own hands.

It is necessary to choose the right tools for dry cleaning furniture. This will keep the upholstery in its original form and avoid mechanical damage to delicate fabrics.

Types of fabrics and features of their cleaning

The effectiveness of dry cleaning carpets and upholstered furniture at home largely depends on the material that needs to be processed. Some materials cannot be treated with household chemicals and traditional cleaning methods, as they have a delicate structure. The wrong approach can damage the textile or make it too fragile.

Most often, to determine furniture processing methods, symbols are used - symbols for the care of textiles. They are indicated on a special label and regulate the average rate of processing of fabric products. The symbols are also used to identify dry cleaning methods.

But even these designations do not guarantee the complete safety of the fabric, since they are calculated based on the average strength of textiles. Therefore, experts at Malina-Cleaning have developed their own cheat sheet for clients who want to clean a specific material.

  • Velours. When cleaning velor, do not use fluffy napkins or rags, vacuum the fabric, or use powder products, solvents or bleaches. Brushing the pile against the direction may damage its uniform structure. Gentle water cleaning is used to professionally remove stains and dirt.

A velor sofa needs delicate cleaning Source vobox.ru

  • Suede leather. Here a lot depends on whether the material is artificial or natural. The latter is difficult to handle on your own, and to remove traces, blood, alcohol and urine, you will have to resort to professional dry cleaning. When processing artificial suede by hand, try not to damage the natural bristles - do not use too hard brushes.
  • Nubuck. If you just need to clean nubuck furniture from dust, it is best to use a rubber brush. For self-cleaning with chemicals, the use of alcohol solvents is allowed. Professional processing uses a steam generator and dry cleaning.
  • Tapestry. This material does not tolerate water-based solvents. Therefore, for cleaning, it is best to trust the professionals and organize dry cleaning at home. For deep processing of textiles after applying the active substance, a special vacuum cleaner is used.

Wet cleaning is contraindicated for tapestry Source www.domovoy.by
Silk and velvet fabrics also cannot be treated with water due to the extremely fragile structure of the threads. Velvet, like velor, is not recommended to be vacuumed, as this can disturb the arrangement of the fibers and ruin the appearance of the furniture.

How often should it be done?

Upholstered furniture needs regular cleaning to maintain a neat appearance and extend its service life. A vacuum cleaner used during cleaning helps to cope with large debris. But you can get rid of outdated dirt and pathogens only by using professional products for deep cleaning of furniture.

It is better not to use aggressive chemicals yourself, but to entrust the cleaning to specialists, otherwise you can ruin expensive furniture. Cleaning companies use powerful vacuum cleaners, extractors, and hair dryers to dry upholstery evenly and without streaks.

Emergency cleaning helps to quickly deal with stubborn stains after contamination with dyes, food, paints and chemicals. The frequency of dry cleaning of furniture depends on the quality and type of fabric. Upholstered chairs, armchairs, and sofas used daily should be professionally cleaned at least 2 times a year. For regular sleep, it is recommended to deeply clean mattresses and sofas at least 3 times a year. Additional factors include the presence of pets. Their fur is a strong allergen, so preventative deep cleaning should be carried out up to 4 times a year.

Upholstered furniture and mattresses accumulate dust and dirt; their material is a source of allergies and respiratory diseases. The immune system of adults easily copes with the problem. The child’s body picks up any viruses. Dry cleaning of upholstered furniture is also necessary in order to destroy pathogenic microorganisms. In a house where small children live, this procedure should be carried out regularly up to 4 times a year.

How and how to clean upholstered furniture at home, the best ways

At the same time, only professional dry cleaning equipment and special products are able to penetrate deeply, removing dust and microorganisms. Daily cleaning of the room with usual household chemicals and a vacuum cleaner is not able to remove stubborn dirt.

Regularly used sofas and armchairs are cleaned twice a year

Mattress dry cleaning is carried out three times a year

If there are pets in the house, it is recommended to clean sofas up to 4 times a year.

Upholstered furniture in a house with small children requires dry cleaning at least 4 times a year

Cleaning the sofa from dirt and odors

The sofa is the main piece of furniture in the living room, which is always the first thing that catches the eye of guests. Sometimes you have to quickly remove a stain from a sofa at home, but dry cleaning will take too much time and money. For such cases, universal tips for cleaning furniture using improvised means are suitable. We have compiled small instructions for each individual type of stain.

  • Blood. It is important to clean such a problem area immediately, otherwise there is a high risk of leaving blood particles on the fabric. To remove it, ice water and laundry soap will be enough. Instead of water, you can rub the stain with a piece of ice - it’s more convenient.
  • Tea and coffee. If the fabric allows, you need to moisten the area where the drinks were spilled with warm water. After this, thoroughly rub the stain with laundry soap and remove any remaining product with a sponge. If the tea was with dye and the coffee was instant, then the stain should come off easily.

A coffee stain on fabric won't be a problem if you know what to do Source otbelim.com

How to remove stains

Fresh stains are much easier to remove, so as soon as they are discovered, it is necessary to thoroughly vacuum the upholstered furniture, and then apply a suitable cleaning product. Microfiber sofas and chairs can only be cleaned dry. It is recommended to treat fleecy materials with products that do not contain alcohol. When cleaning upholstered furniture with light upholstery, you can only use white napkins.

The most common home methods for combating pollution of various origins are shown in the table.

PollutionCleaning method
BloodAn aspirin tablet dissolved in 200 ml of water or a solution of salt and water, in a proportion of 30 grams per 1 liter, will help remove the stain.
WineSalt is good for removing fresh wine stains from upholstery. Alcohol will help dissolve stubborn stains.
Pen marksThe ink stain is removed with alcohol, diluting 100 ml per 1 liter of water. Solvents may be used, but with great caution
Baby or cat urineFresh urine stains can be removed with a solution of laundry soap, and the smell can be removed with diluted vinegar.
Coffee and teaRegular dishwashing detergent or laundry soap can remove such stains.
BeerA soap solution will remove the stain, and diluted vinegar in a ratio of 1 tablespoon per liter of water will help remove the specific odor

Main types of fabrics for furniture upholstery, important selection criteria

After getting rid of a stain, the question often arises of how to remove stains. The problem is that after wet cleaning the upholstery dries unevenly. To ensure that no streaks remain, it is necessary to completely remove the used product from the surface, and then wipe the stain with a damp terry or waffle towel. To avoid streaks after using household chemicals, you need to follow the application and removal technology indicated on the packaging.

Dilute vinegar will help cope with unpleasant odors

Traces of spilled coffee or tea can be cleaned with laundry soap.

Salt removes wine stains

Saline solution and aspirin will help get rid of blood stains

Alcohol will remove ink marks

Popular folk methods

Despite the danger of fabric damage, many owners continue to clean furniture themselves. For a service such as furniture dry cleaning, the price is 2-4 thousand rubles, and not everyone is ready to part with even this amount. But at the same time, it is necessary to find effective ways to remove stains, dust and other contaminants from the surface of textiles. In this case, folk cleaning remedies come to the rescue.

Traditional methods of cleaning surfaces are techniques for using various active substances that help put furniture in order. Most often, the specific composition of a cleaning product from the people is found experimentally and does not have verified concentrations and mixing instructions. This technique uses substances that can always be found in the kitchen or bathroom. They are always on hand, or you can freely buy them at the nearest supermarket.

You can use such dry cleaning methods solely at your own peril and risk. Despite the assurances of the authors of folk recipes, improper use of active substances can damage furniture, change the shade of the fabric, and leave stains and burns on the material.

Stains on fabric are one of the consequences of folk cleaning Source legkovmeste.ru

We have compiled a list of the most popular folk remedies with which people in Russia and the CIS countries still fight stains and stubborn dirt to this day. In addition, each section includes step-by-step cleaning instructions.

Vinegar, powder and soda

These three components can be found in any home, or purchased at a store near your home. Therefore, this product is especially often used when you need to quickly get rid of stains. The proposed solution is ideal for removing streaks, stains and traces of grease from light-colored upholstered furniture. It's easy to do it yourself:

  • Mix one tablespoon each of non-concentrated laundry detergent and baking soda.
  • Add the mixture to an empty and dry spray bottle.
  • Add 65-85 ml of vinegar to the container and fill with warm boiled water.
  • Spray the resulting foam onto the surface and wipe with a soft sponge.

It is important not to leave streaks during the wiping process, so apply the solution to the entire fabric at once. After this, slowly move the sponge from the edges to the center, leaving no untreated stripes.

Hydrogen peroxide

It seems that if fruit juice, berries or wine get on the sofa, dry cleaning cannot be avoided.

Red wine dye quickly eats into fabric

A simple composition with hydrogen peroxide will help quickly remove red fruit stains or traces of coffee and tea. In addition to the peroxide itself, you will need baking soda, which can be found in any housewife’s kitchen. The solution is suitable for all types of synthetic fabrics:

  • Mix one part baking soda and two parts 3 percent hydrogen peroxide.
  • Pour the resulting solution into a spray bottle or small bottle.
  • Apply the product to the problem area and wait until the stain discolors.
  • Once the stain has lost color, remove the solution using a regular sponge.
  • If necessary, rinse the fabric and dry the sofa with a hair dryer.

It is important to monitor the operating time of the solution. The combination of baking soda and peroxide is so powerful that with prolonged use it can begin to discolor the dye on the sofa itself. Remove the composition as soon as the main stain has lost its original color.

Vinegar and salt

A classic combination of vinegar and salt to gently remove stains and draw dust out of furniture. Ideal for situations when you need to quickly prepare a room or apartment for rent.

Beautiful furniture is the key to a profitable housing deal Source s0.rbk.ru

Also, using this composition you can simply clean the carpet, the dry cleaning of which usually takes time. Follow the simple instructions:

  • Take 1 liter of fresh boiled water. The temperature depends on the type of material from which the furniture is made.
  • Take a large sheet or other clean fabric and cut it to the shape of a sofa or chair.
  • Soak the cloth in the solution and cover the furniture with it.
  • Carefully beat out the sofa fabric using a regular beater until the material stops turning black from dust.
  • Once completed, wipe away any remaining dust and solution using a sponge or microfiber.

Also, a combination of vinegar and salt helps get rid of blood stains. To do this, dilute 1 tablespoon of vinegar in a glass of water with salt.

Other popular cleaning methods

There are other methods of dry cleaning furniture and carpets using improvised means. For example, ammonia is used to remove particularly stubborn stains of blood, fruit, wine and coffee. About 10 drops of ammonia are diluted with vinegar, and then applied to the problem area. The composition is used only in extreme cases, as it can disrupt the natural shade of textiles.

Ammonia is a powerful solvent Source historyclothing.ru

Choosing products for different types of upholstery

The following household chemicals are actively used to clean furniture:

  1. Professional powder for dry cleaning. Used for medium stains. After treatment, the furniture remains dry and no streaks appear.
  2. Cleaning foam for upholstery fabrics. Prevents getting wet and also protects the surface from re-penetration of dirt. The product is suitable for synthetic and natural fabrics, restores color, gives freshness and a well-groomed appearance.
  3. Spray for wet cleaning of upholstered furniture. Effectively removes stains, disinfects and removes unpleasant odors. The product is not suitable for fabrics that require careful handling. Before directly cleaning the upholstery, it is necessary to check the substance for compatibility with a specific material.
  4. Gels and shampoos. Least suitable for cleaning upholstered furniture. They are quickly absorbed and difficult to completely remove from the surface. After application, the furniture remains wet for a long time, and after drying, streaks may appear.

Reasons for the popularity of furniture covers, types of models

Cleaning foam


Gels, shampoos and sprays

In the fight against pollution and unpleasant odors, many housewives use folk remedies:

  1. Cleaning upholstered furniture at home is done using vinegar. A tablespoon of acid is diluted in a liter of warm water. The solution is used to remove unpleasant odors.
  2. You can use baking soda for skin care. The substance can restore brightness to color and remove fresh stains.
  3. Salt is used to remove recently spilled liquid from the surface of a material.
  4. Laundry soap helps get rid of fresh dirt on the upholstery of upholstered furniture.

Having chosen one or another cleaning product, you need to test it on a part of the upholstered furniture hidden from view.


Salt and vinegar

Laundry soap

Mechanical cleaning

During mechanical cleaning, particles of dirt, grease and stains are removed from the fabric by physical action on them. The advantages of this technique are that it can be used by both professionals and ordinary people at home. The only difference is the efficiency of the equipment that will be used to cleanse the contaminants.

For mechanical removal of dust and dirt, the following devices are used:

  • regular vacuum cleaner;
  • dry cleaning with a steam generator;
  • washing vacuum cleaner-extractor;
  • vacuum cleaner for dry cleaning furniture.

Vacuum cleaners for cleaning furniture are different Source opt-1289336.ssl.1c-bitrix-cdn.ru
A regular vacuum cleaner is found in almost every home, but it is unlikely to be able to remove greasy dirt from the surface of the fabric. In addition, such a device pulls dust from a depth of no more than 3-5 centimeters, although this figure depends on the power of the vacuum cleaner.

A washing vacuum cleaner-extractor and a steam generator are used mainly for dry cleaning in cleaning companies. The extractor first applies a solvent to the upholstery, and then sucks it out using a vacuum. The steam generator is mainly used for antibacterial treatment: it eliminates the unpleasant odor and characteristic color of stains. Today, such equipment is sold in professional stores and any owner can buy it. However, the prices for such devices are several times higher than the annual dry cleaning of furniture, and for maximum efficiency you need to know how to operate them.


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Universal products and recommendations

The vast majority of people do not trust folk remedies for getting rid of stains and grease on textiles. Therefore, such people resort to the most convenient and effective method - using universal detergents.

You can buy them at any household store and use a sponge or microfiber towel to easily clean any piece of furniture.

Household chemicals are available in any retail store Source avatars.mds.yandex.net

This is not professional chemistry, so it does not require special knowledge. But such products also have their own disadvantages, which manufacturers do not talk about.

Why you should order the services of cleaning companies

Each fabric is unique and different from the other. Textiles on different models of chairs undergo different processing. The dye, which is applied to the fabric in different concentrations, also plays a role. As a result, it is impossible to choose a universal product for all furniture, and thoughtless use of existing household chemicals can cause significant damage to textiles. The bleach contained in such products changes the original color of the material, leaving halos and whitish burns on the product.

Therefore, it is important to use the services of cleaning companies. Professionals will quickly and efficiently process your furniture, select the most effective solvents, cleaning products and devices for each specific type of fabric.

offers a full range of cleaning services, dry cleaning of furniture and curtains, cleaning and restoration of fabric carpets, polishing and grinding of stone surfaces. If you are thinking about where to order dry cleaning of upholstered furniture, reviews on websites will tell you the right choice of company.

Briefly about the main thing

There are many cases when a beloved item is seemingly hopelessly damaged. The pranks of children, not taking care of a pet, or the consequences of a big party - and looking at a new sofa or carpet, you have to think about replacing them.

You can try to clean damaged upholstered furniture yourself - this solution has its advantages: you don’t have to wait for a specialist, and you only need to spend money on cleaning products. But we must also take into account the disadvantages: without special knowledge it is difficult to choose a good cleaner, and a professional will always do a better job.

Velor, suede, nubuck, tapestry - each of these fabrics requires special treatment and selection of the correct cleaning method. In addition, stains from different substances must also be removed in different ways: blood, tea and coffee, wine, cosmetics and grease stains, ink, wax, glue, chewing gum, traces and the smell of urine - everything requires a special approach, especially in combination with various fabrics.

For self-cleaning, use various available means: vinegar, soda, salt, hydrogen peroxide or ammonia. Store-bought cleaning powders and liquid products are no less popular. But we must remember that even their competent use presupposes at least some knowledge of chemistry.

If you have even the slightest doubt about your own abilities, or simply do not want to waste your time on cleaning, then it is better to contact a professional cleaning company, whose specialists will be able to cope with even very severe stains.


The exhibition of houses “Low-Rise Country” expresses sincere gratitude to the specialists for their assistance in creating the material.

"Malina-Cleaning" is an expert in dry cleaning curtains at home and in the office. If you need more detailed advice, you can use the following contacts:

website: https://himchistkamebeli.ru/


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