Is it possible to hang a mirror opposite a mirror? Is it possible to sleep in front of a mirror? Signs

Every average person organizes the interior of their home, approaching this issue from a variety of angles. Some people worship Feng Shui, others resort to the services of a designer, and others are concerned about the opinions of magicians and psychics. Is it possible to hang a mirror opposite a mirror? There is no clear opinion on this question, and yet many are inclined to answer in the negative. Mystics claim that the mirror corridor poses a threat to those who constantly look into it. What is the best way to hang mirrors in an apartment? Let's look at this in more detail.

Is it possible to hang a mirror opposite a mirror?

First you need to uncover the mystical secrets of mirror reflection. This applies not only to mirrors. The surface of the water also affects the living with its reflection. But unlike mirror water, it carries positive energy. Calm waters enhance the energy of the Universe and direct it in the right direction. The Universe, as we know, charges us with strength. Being near any body of water, a person nourishes his aura. Artificially created reflections are a completely different matter. This is a dead world. Mystics call it the gateway to another dimension. So you have received the answer to the question of whether it is possible to hang a mirror in front of a mirror. Each reflection is a portal to another world, where laws and properties differ from ours. It is not a fact that it is for the worse; we cannot evaluate this from the point of view of human logic. Taking risks is simply dangerous. This is something not ours. Many people say that reflections make a space appear larger. But is it worth risking your own health and even life?

How long have people known about the phenomenon of the mirror corridor?

Agree, the reasonable introduction of folk traditions into our lives is completely justified. This position is not only wise, but also completely rational. When figuring out whether it is possible to hang a mirror opposite a mirror, it is advisable to analyze what the ancestors thought about this matter. They, it should be said frankly, never acted like that. Of course, one can argue in terms of the fact that mirrors in ancient times were very expensive things. Not every family could afford to buy one, and there is nothing to talk about more. But that's not entirely the point. Folk traditions have an answer to the question of why mirrors cannot be placed opposite each other. He's into fortune telling. Remember how a curious girl was advised to look into fate? She should have created that same mirror corridor. Through him, supposedly, she will see the image of the darling. It follows that the ancestors were aware of the presence of portals. Therefore, it was not recommended to keep more than one mirror in a room.


So, we already know that you shouldn’t place a mirror opposite a mirror. Signs claim that reflective surfaces steal the fortunes of those reflected in them. If you often pass through a mirrored corridor, you end up in black stripes that may not end. So they will only be interrupted along with your life, and such a result will even be desirable for the victim. Constant illnesses, failures and losses will bring you to this state.

Signs also say that you should not hang a mirror opposite the door. This leads to frequent scandals in the house, various troubles, and even theft and robbery. The reflection of the front door simply attracts all the troubles into the house. This is a magnet for all troubles and everything that every person fears so much. Uninvited and malicious guests will come to the house more often, and family members will wander anywhere in order to return home less often. Your nest will gradually collapse both on the physical and energetic levels. It is better to believe in signs and not test them from your own experience.

If the front door is reflected in the mirror

Many people think it’s a good idea to hang a mirror opposite the entrance to the apartment - this way you can always look at yourself before going somewhere. However, beliefs say that this should not be done. And that's why:

  • The owners of the house will be haunted by failures and financial problems, since positive energy will not be able to enter the house.
  • People who are looking for a place to dump their negativity (complainers, whiners) will often start visiting.
  • The owners will feel bad in their own apartment, they will lose the desire to return there. For spouses, this is fraught with divorce.

If you really need to place this item in the corridor, it is better to find a place for it near the front door, so that the mirror surface is directed into the room.

By the way, everything said above is also true when the mirror is located opposite the window.

Feng Shui

Modern people do not fully trust “grandmother’s signs.” Well, what does the newfangled eastern feng shui say about this? Specialists in this field also have an extremely negative attitude towards mirror surfaces and especially corridors. Such structures deprive all visitors to the house and especially the residents of vital energy. Mirror tunnels literally drain your strength. This happens, as Feng Shui notes, literally in a matter of hours. Want to experience it for yourself? Sit in this structure for a while. Your mood and well-being will go into a deep negative. What if there is a mirror opposite the door? The answer is again negative. Feng Shui categorically does not allow this. Due to this arrangement, space is deprived of its positive charge. No matter how much new energy comes into the house, it will all come out through a mirror reflection.


Now let’s specifically go into each room and think about the location of the mirrors. If in the hallway there is a mirror hanging opposite the mirror, immediately correct the situation. An established corridor to the world through the looking glass right on the threshold is simply unacceptable. Upon entering your home, the power of otherworldly forces is activated. The entrance must be protected from such a phenomenon. The best option is a growth mirror on the side. Another point - it should not reflect other parts of the house.

Be careful when placing a mirror in the hallway. Don't place it so that it reflects the front door. As mentioned above, this will cause constant quarrels in the house and ruin the family hearth. Household appliances will often break down and criminals may even visit your home.

And in what cases are mirrors used opposite each other?

  • During magical rituals.
  • During fortune telling.
  • Summoning otherworldly forces. This is only allowed for psychics.
  • To create a mirror corridor for mystical purposes.

Why are reflections arranged this way and who needs it?

Since ancient times, the mirror has been the main attribute in various kinds of fortune-telling and predictions, as well as other magical rituals.

Mirrors placed in front of each other, creating the already mentioned “mirror corridor”, enhance the magical effect of their surfaces. This phenomenon creates the impression that there are many mirrors. In the “mirror corridor,” both the objects reflected in it and the distance to them are distorted. From a mystical point of view, thanks to this you can travel to other dimensions.

There is an opinion that the mirror acts as a guide to a parallel world. With its help, you can communicate with spirits, you can see pictures of the past or future.

Others argue that mirror surfaces can sap the vitality of people who look at them. This ability is used in the practice of black magicians.

According to the third point of view, mirrors have figurative memory. With its help, they “know how” to absorb and remember everything they have ever seen. This possibility is also widely used in esoteric practices.

It is also believed that a mirror reflects not only a person’s appearance, but also his energy. Thanks to this property, you can send a positive charge or, conversely, cause damage.

Practicing mystics, with the help of such an endless “mirror corridor” of two oppositely placed mirrors, are able to open the way for otherworldly entities, so rituals of this kind are very dangerous.

Many adherents of esotericism use mirror protection in their practices, which is a powerful amulet against incoming evil and negativity.

Is it possible to sleep in front of a mirror?

In the bedroom, the presence of mirrors is quite dangerous for the inhabitants. The fewer of them in the room, the better. It is unacceptable to hang them opposite each other. You should also not place a mirror opposite the bed. The best option is when they are not in the room at all. Such recommendations come not only from mystics. Even scientific psychologists admit this fact, and this is already official science. Scientists explain this by saying that reflected light interferes with proper sleep. Shallow sleep leads to the fact that in the morning a person wakes up simply “broken.”

Mysticism explains this prohibition by the fact that in a dream a person is not at all protected from various entities of the looking glass, and this is especially dangerous for his energy. A sleeping person is a desirable prey for the intangible other world. Bad dreams are often proof of this.

A mirror opposite the bed leads to the fact that everything in a woman’s life is going very badly for no apparent reason. The reason for this is the dark forces influencing fate. Mirrors are especially dangerous for pregnant women, because in an interesting position they are very vulnerable to various negative influences, especially of this nature.

For men, they too can suffer from the negative effects of sleeping in front of a mirror. Something is not going well in your personal life or at work. Despite the efforts made, nothing works. All forces seem to go into an abyss, emptiness. It is quite possible that the mirrors are to blame. In a general description, this can manifest itself in poor health, poor sleep, and other negative phenomena. Relationships with loved ones may break down and various health problems may arise.

In the bathroom

It is also not recommended to place mirrors opposite each other in the bathroom. In this intimate room, a person is no more protected than in the bedroom. Reflective surfaces cause energy flows that have an extremely negative effect on humans.

If there are similar mirrors in the bathroom, then by washing away the physical dirt from yourself, you can wash away all the energetic protection. A person simply cannot live without it. It is extremely difficult to restore your energy, and it will take a very long time.

Men become weak creatures. Failures follow them in everything. It will not be surprising if problems with alcohol and other troubles begin. Women, no matter how healthy they are, cannot experience the joys of motherhood. The cause of all these troubles may be mirrors.

Unfavorable places to place a mirror according to Feng Shui

In this part we will look at the worst places to place a mirror. There are few such places, but if at least one mirror in the house hangs at such a point, then this upsets the energy balance in the entire house and can lead to catastrophic consequences.

If you already have a mirror hanging in any of the listed places, you need to wipe it thoroughly in order to remove any remaining negative energy. Then hang it in one of the most successful areas in the apartment, which we already talked about earlier.

Feng Shui mirror opposite the window

A common mistake that Feng Shui considers unacceptable is a mirror opposite the window. Windows, like doors, are the entry points for the flow of Qi into the home. By placing a mirror opposite the window, you seem to create a barrier for incoming energy, reflecting it outward.

In turn, negative energy, reflected, enters the house, and then spreads throughout all rooms and premises.

Feng Shui mirror opposite the toilet

Above in the article it was said that it is necessary to hang a small mirror on the door of the restroom on one side or the other. So why doesn't the reflective surface opposite the door work?

The fact is that a mirror installed in this way drives all the positive energy inside the toilet, from where it flows into the sewer. We independently “dig” a trench that carries our flow of favorable Qi out of the house.

Mirror opposite mirror according to feng shui

Even children know that if you place one mirror opposite another, you can create an endless optical tunnel. Now imagine that a flow of favorable Qi will flow into such an infinitely long tunnel. This kind of thing should be avoided most of all.

Even when you accidentally direct Qi into the bathroom or toilet through mirrors, it does not flow there completely. Infinity, created by two mirrors, devours all Qi without leaving a drop. Avoid having one mirror surface reflect another (even partially).

Feng Shui mirror opposite the bed

Feng Shui experts believe that if a mirror is installed in the bedroom and a sleeping married couple is reflected in it, then the mirror surface acts as a third partner in their relationship. This certainly entails betrayal, quarrels and discord in any relationship, no matter how strong they are.

The mystery of sleep is a rather sensitive thing, and placing such a powerful conductor of energy as a mirror next to you when you and your spirit are defenseless is not very wise.

Opinions of magicians

Is it possible to sleep in front of a mirror or walk along a mirrored corridor? Magicians can best answer all these questions. These people living among us understand very well what a mirror is, how it works and how it affects our lives. Magicians and psychics do not recommend adding extra mirrors. According to them, these are portals through which the human soul is drawn into another world by low-energy entities. As a consequence - various misfortunes and troubles, which end in alcoholism and other problems. According to magicians, you shouldn’t even look in a single mirror if you are currently in a state of hysteria, depression, or even just upset. Fate can change for the worse. Some enemy will definitely appear who will jinx or curse you.

Drawings and dimensions

Before starting work, it is necessary to draw up drawings. Unfortunately, it is impossible to do without them in this matter. Drawings can be taken from the Internet, but to make an unusual design it is preferable to use your own imagination:

  • first you need to think through the design of the structure, taking into account the required number of places and the method of transformation;
  • the parameters of the shop must correspond to the allocated territory;
  • the diagram indicates all structural elements and their dimensions;
  • All moving elements should also be presented there.

In general, the diagram of the transforming bench allows you to understand the principle of operation and sequence of actions

To calculate the required material, it is important to take into account the length and cross-section of the structure. With a beam thickness of 8 cm, at least 5 pieces are required to create the 1st leg

If the seat of the bench is made of boards 4 cm thick and 9 cm wide, the work will require 5 boards of 150 cm each.

Rules for safe mirror placement

So, we found out whether it is possible to hang a mirror opposite a mirror. The answer is negative. Well, how to arrange mirrors so that positive energy, on the contrary, arrives in your home? There are some rules to follow:

  • In the hallway, it is best to place the mirror on the side, at some distance from the door, so as not to touch it. Somewhere by the chest of drawers or shoe cabinet. You can even buy ready-made designs specifically for the hallway.
  • The larger the reflection you see in the mirror (not crushed), the better. In addition, it is better to look at yourself in full growth. In line with the entrance, you can glaze the wall or install a large wardrobe with mirrors.
  • Do not use the mirror if it has experienced some unpleasant event or misfortune. It stores negative information for a long time. Better buy a new product.
  • You can place the mirror on the front wall, provided that it does not “look” at the front door. If you still have to place a mirror opposite the door, do it at an angle so that the mirror flows are refracted and directed into the room, but not back.

The magic of mirrors according to feng shui

The Chinese science of harmonious arrangement of space says that a sacred object is a conductor of energy, so it is important to reflect goodness in it, smile at your image, polish it more often so that its “look” is clear. By reflecting objects, mirrors seem to multiply them, so they do not keep negative symbols in front of the screen

But putting change on the fare or leaving a bicycle in the hallway can mean increasing wealth or the opportunity to travel

By reflecting objects, mirrors seem to magnify them, so they do not keep negative symbols in front of the screen. But putting change on the fare or leaving a bicycle in the hallway can mean increasing wealth or the opportunity to travel.

“Energy leakage” is promised by old, chipped, darkened surfaces and their frames. Mirrors should be solid and quite large, framed in elegant patterns.

The mirror is designed to eliminate negativity and allow new, fresh energy to enter the house. Therefore, in the hallway such an object is not only functional, but also symbolic. Be sure to get rid of old, outdated, foreign mirrors. For happiness and prosperity, they take their lucky mirror with them to their new home or buy a new one.

Buy those mirrors that you like - and then you will exude positive energy, admiring your reflection, and your happiness will increase.

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