We choose a loft bed with a sofa below. How not to make a mistake with a purchase?

Bunk bed for children with a bed on top and a sofa below and a ladder with storage drawers
A loft bed with a sofa underneath is a type of bunk bed for a child’s room. There is another version of such furniture - classic attics, which, in addition to a sleeping place, are equipped with a wardrobe, a desk and other functional items. Together they form a furniture complex designed for compact placement in a nursery.

Corner furniture set with loft bed, wardrobe and sofa below

The main difference between an attic bed with a sofa and a classic model is the presence of two sleeping places. If in a regular attic the sleeping place is located on the upper tier, and below there is a table and other elements of the complex, then this modification has a sofa instead of a table. This makes this design a full-fledged bunk bed, which cannot be said about the classic model. But both have their own functional advantages and disadvantages, which will be discussed below.

White loft bed for a girl with a pink transformable sofa

Advantages and disadvantages

Bunk bed with space for child and parents

In terms of functionality, the loft bed with sofa is somewhat inferior to the traditional version, because essentially these are two berths, but with modifications. They do not have a closet, which is also a supporting structure for the bed, as well as a work desk, shelves and other elements. There are products with a soft base, in which there are drawers arranged in the form of steps instead of the usual plank staircase. This makes a loft bed with an additional sofa more functional.

Metal bed with a sofa book without additional elements

A loft bed with a sofa has a significant advantage: it can accommodate more people. If the traditional model is designed for one person, then designs with an ottoman can accommodate up to three people. This is an excellent option for a children's room with two children, as well as for a small one-room apartment. Adults can sit on the sofa, which has an accordion, dolphin or Eurobook transformation mechanism, and a child can sit on the upper tier. During the daytime, such a bunk bed allows you to maintain the aesthetics of the room, conducive to receiving guests, and if necessary, it can easily be converted into a spacious double bed. At night, users receive three full beds.

Loft bed for a small apartment with three beds

Another advantage that this type of children's furniture has is its compactness. The design takes up less space in the room due to the absence of bulky additional elements (table, cabinet). In terms of dimensions, it can be compared with an ordinary bunk bed, occupying no more than one meter in depth and two meters in width and height.

A functional solution for a small nursery with two older children - a loft bed

The age limit is the third feature that many buyers consider a disadvantage. The sufficiently high height – up to 2 m – does not allow a child under 5-6 years old to sleep on the second tier. This type is designed for a more adult category of users - for children of middle and high school age.

Beautiful and comfortable wooden loft bed in the interior of the room

Interior use

The advantage of a loft bed with a sofa is not only in saving space in small apartments, such a model will certainly become the highlight of the room and fit perfectly into any interior style. Today, when optimization of space has taken first place in the design of living space, the loft bed has become the ideal solution for small spaces or studio apartments. It allows you to create a “room within a room”, combining a study or living room and bedroom, which will come in handy in one-room apartments.

General expert recommendations for placing such a structure:

  1. A universal set will be appropriate when it is very important not only to place the necessary furniture in a tiny room, but also to properly zone the space. In this case, placing a double bed on the top tier is ideal. At the bottom you can put a sofa, a wardrobe, a table, and the side of this design can be equipped with shelves. The result is a bed with a small room below - a great option for studio apartments.
  2. If a preschooler will live in the room, a play area decorated in the form of a house can be located on the upper tier. A good addition would be a sports corner, which consists of a slide, rope ladder, suspended rings, rope or pipe. The boy will love a bed in the style of a car, a bus, or a castle for knights. A model in the form of a princess house or a carriage with elegant sides will suit a girl. A sleeping place will be made more interesting by details that can be removed over time - for example, curtains, a dome. A sofa with bright upholstery and small cushions will complement the picture of a mini-interior.
  3. If the set is designed for many years of use, you should abandon the colorful facades depicting fairy-tale characters, and opt for classic models made in “wood” tones. You can complement the set with bright accents - light or dark sofa upholstery, blankets, pillows. For a teenager, a bed made in a minimalist style with clear rectangular shapes is suitable. A good option would be a design with a metal frame. Such a loft bed with a stylish sofa below will no longer look childish and can become an interior decoration.

The model is compatible with almost all interior styles, with the exception of the canonical classics, including Renaissance, antique, baroque, and Versailles.

A loft bed with a sofa is not only a bright and original decorative element, it is simply a must-have design for small spaces. Such an interior solution allows you to use every square meter to your advantage, without overloading the design of the room.

Views of an attic with a sofa below

Modular loft bed from Ikea with a sofa below

Among the products of domestic and foreign furniture factories you can find various types of structures. Features of the design development can determine different geometric shapes of the base, stairs, different color schemes of facades and upholstery, the presence of additional elements (internal shelves, drawers).

A set of furniture for a children's room with a bed, a corner wardrobe and a folding chair

But all options have a common type of basic design:

  • durable frame made of wood, laminated chipboard, on which there is an upper tier with a sleeping place;
  • a lower sofa, which can be an integral part of a furniture complex or a separate element, which, if necessary, can be moved to another place.

Sturdy, light-colored wooden frame with a bed, a soft sofa and additional shelves

The main differences between the products are insignificant. As a rule, they consist in the type of staircase, the presence of additional functional elements, design, color scheme, type of materials and other parameters.

Wardrobe and children's loft bed “Winnie the Pooh”

A classic loft bed with a sofa is an extension over a compact sleeping area below with an extension ladder. There are modifications:

  • designs with modular drawers arranged in the form of a ladder;
  • products with side plank stairs;
  • options with a front staircase arrangement.

Wooden bed with side stairs in the living room interior

Less common is a bunk bed, the design of which includes a small wardrobe. Such attics are more bulky. You can also find options that have a small desk, which is part of the furniture complex by reducing the size of the upholstered furniture. Essentially, this is a loft with a chair where only one person can sit.

Unusual bunk bed built into a niche with wardrobe, sofa and shelves

Other structural differences between products can be considered the type of sofa. These can be compact Eurobooks, accordions, dolphins, as well as small ottomans without a transformation mechanism, but with lower drawers for linen and home textiles.

Small blue and white loft bed with a sofa and work area

Sofa options

When choosing such furniture, you need to pay attention not only to the dimensions of the sleeping place and safety, but also to the functionality of the sofa. The product is classified according to the type of design and its installation option:

  1. A built-in model in which all components are inseparable from the body and are securely fixed. When the sofa is one piece with the entire set, this eliminates the possibility of rearranging the room.
  2. Sofa with linen drawer below.
  3. A sofa as a separate element of furniture, which, if necessary, can be turned sideways or simply rearranged, and in its place, install a desk with an armchair or high chair, and organize a play area for the baby. In the future, it is possible to supplement the set with a new sofa or ottoman.

Sofas also differ in the type of folding:

  1. Eurobook is the simplest option: the seat needs to be rolled forward and the backrest lowered into the vacant seat.
  2. Roll-out mechanism - just pull the belt and roll out the entire hidden part, the result is a large berth.
  3. Accordion - the layout principle is similar to stretching the bellows in a musical instrument: you need to slightly raise the seat until it clicks, then pull until the berth is completely formed.
  4. Pantograph - the folding method is similar to the Eurobook, only the process does not use wheels, which often damage the floor. The surface rises using special mechanisms, after which it takes a “step” and stands on the floor.
  5. Dolphin - the retractable surface is located at the bottom of the sofa, you need to pull the belt so that it comes out completely, and slightly lift it up to get a sleeping place of the same level.

There are models in which the pillows that serve as the backrest are simply removed. The result is a second berth. You need to decide which model is more suitable for the interior of the room, and inspect the space around it so that nothing interferes with the unfolding process, for example, other furniture, entrance doors.

An interesting model is a two-tier transformer. An ordinary sofa is transformed into a two-story structure with a bed on top. There is a special mechanism here, with the help of which 2 sleeping places can be easily created. There is a model that converts into 3 beds, which is very convenient for a small room where 2 or more children live. With the help of such furniture, tangible savings in free space are achieved during the day and at night.

Built-in sofa

With linen drawer below



How to choose the right material?

Furniture set consisting of a wardrobe and a loft bed with a sofa made of durable laminated chipboard

A loft bed with a sofa is made mainly from durable laminated chipboard - laminated chipboard with a thickness of 16-20 mm. This is the most common material for the production of children's furniture, more affordable compared to solid wood. In terms of properties and characteristics, such options are not inferior to analogues made from natural wood, although the price is 2-4 times lower.

Laminated chipboard is usually covered with veneer or eco-veneer in the color of natural wood in light colors (walnut, oak, alder), and is also painted in various colors. For children, it is customary to use bright, rich shades - light green, yellow, orange, blue.

There is a bunk bed based on a round metal profile from which the body is made. Such models are considered products for adults’ bedrooms and are usually installed in hostels and mini-hotels.

Durable white metal loft bed in the interior of the room

When it comes to children's furniture, most manufacturers offer models based on chipboard, as well as MDF or plywood. Solid wood products are more rare and usually need to be ordered individually.

There are more options to choose from regarding the material of the lower structural element. The predominant part of manufacturers produce upholstered furniture based on foam rubber and polyurethane foam. Seats with coconut fiber, lint and other natural fillers are rare. The upholstery is made from a special fabric designed for intensive use.

You can find models with upholstery made of jacquard, fleece and other materials. A metal frame, as well as a wooden one based on timber and plywood, can be used as a base. Most modern varieties have an orthopedic base made of flexible strips; options with springs are quite rare.

Children's bed “Nemo” with an orthopedic sofa with newspaper upholstery

Loft bed sizes

Metal furniture is the most compact.
Manufacturers of this furniture often equip sleeping areas with standard products - mattresses and sofas. This is where the most popular loft bed sizes come from.

The most common sizes of attic mattresses: 80x190 and 90x200

As for the sofa, manufacturers literally squeeze it into a niche under the upper tier. Accordingly, squeezing a full-fledged sleeping place in favor of compactness.

Standard sofa book

Often these are sofas up to 1 m deep when folded, without side backs to increase the usable area. For proper sleep, an adult prefers a sleeping place measuring 90x200 cm.

Adults may feel uncomfortable in tight spaces

What should you especially pay attention to when choosing?

The children's loft bed is included in a special category of products, which are subject to strict safety requirements. This applies to the environmental friendliness of materials, as well as the design properties of products.

Laminated chipboard and plywood used in furniture production are safe in themselves. It is worth paying attention to the composition of paints and varnishes used for coating. They should not contain formaldehyde or other toxic substances that can evaporate when heated. To make sure of this, you must carefully study the technical documentation or personally inquire with the seller/manufacturer.

Safe wooden furniture for a children's room

Another important aspect of safety for children is that there is no potential for injury. And it can be provoked by:

  • slippery round steps of the ladder;
  • protruding fasteners;
  • sharp corners;
  • lack of sides on the upper tier;
  • untreated ends of laminated chipboards.

According to the rules for the production of children's furniture, all fastening elements - hinges, nails, nuts - should not protrude above the surface. Ideally, they should be closed with plastic plugs, and the ends of the particle boards should be polished or protected with a PVC edge.

Sides are an important structural element on which a child up to 7-8 years old sleeps. Fall protection should be provided by a low (up to 25 cm) fence.

Interior of a modern bedroom with safe fastenings, sides and stairs for a loft bed

Pros and cons of loft bed design

Let's start with the pros:

  • Space saving. The advantage is obvious - the child sleeps above, the parents sleep on a folding sofa, which transforms into a relaxation area during the daytime. Transformation options depend on the design of the sofa - roll-out, dolphin, Eurobook, accordion, etc.
  • Saving money. If the family has a sofa on which adult family members sleep, then you can purchase a loft bed frame without the lower part. The main thing is that your sofa fits in size.

IKEA offers loft bed frames for installing a sofa
. Cons:

  • Lack of storage space . In an attempt to free up more space, loft bed manufacturers only sell frames. Buyers themselves purchase a children's mattress for the upper tier. For example, the SWERTA model from IKEA.
  • Possibility of injury . A child, and even a sleepy one, can get injured when getting out of bed.
  • Difficult control . Monitoring a sleeping child will become problematic. For example, you will not see the position in which he sleeps or whether he is covered with a blanket.

Design dimensions

The dimensions of such bunk beds depend on the type of structure developed and implemented by the manufacturer. The average parameters of one design are as follows:

length2000-2200 mm
depth1000-1040 mm
height1800-1950 mm

The dimensions of the lower element when folded usually vary between 1750-1800*700-800 mm, when unfolded they can be 1750-1800*1500*2200 mm.

What materials are used for manufacturing

The choice of material is a key aspect when purchasing a bunk sofa bed. It could be as follows:

  1. Metal. The most durable and strong material that can last for several decades. It is difficult to damage, and therefore it will not lose its presentable appearance for a long time. Also, the metal base of the bed will not allow the mattress to sag even under significant load. However, metal is not very pleasant to the touch and does not always fit well into the interior. In addition, forged models rarely come with storage space, and their size cannot be adjusted.

    Metal structures are rarely equipped with additional parts.

  2. Tree. The most balanced option, since, on the one hand, it is durable, reliable and aesthetic, and on the other hand, it allows the structure to be equipped with a wide variety of storage spaces in any variations. However, high-quality wood is quite expensive. The most preferred species are oak, pine, beech, birch and ash.

    Birch, ash, oak, pine and beech are most often used to make such beds.

  3. Chipboard or MDF. They allow you to create a design in any style and color, and therefore are most often used for children's rooms. These materials are completely environmentally friendly and also have a more affordable price. However, they are often not strong enough. To ensure their quality, you should check the corresponding certificate when purchasing.

    Bed-sofas made of MDF or chipboard are environmentally friendly and are often placed in children's rooms.

Features and how to apply them in the interior?

Interesting design of children's furniture, custom-made for a small room

A special feature of this type of furniture for a children's room is its wide variability in use. This design is considered universal, because It fits equally well in a small nursery and a spacious room.

Manufacturers offer options for boys and girls. For the former, calmer and more restrained colors of facades and upholstery are usually used; preference is given to blue, purple, and green shades. For a girl, the choice usually falls on pink, fuchsia, yellow, and orange. You can also choose a neutral option - products using eco-veneer in the color of light walnut, Belfort oak, pine, wenge.

Beautiful and comfortable furniture for a girls’ room with a loft bed and a folding sofa

The choice of bunk bed depends on the size of the nursery. If you need to store a lot of things, toys, clothes, bedding, rugs and blankets, it is better to choose the option with modular drawers arranged in the form of a ladder. Thanks to them, you will not need to buy an additional chest of drawers or wardrobe.

Features and types of stairs

There are no special “bed-sofa” stairs. All structures leading to the second “floor” are suitable for models with any functional content of the lower tier.

Features of design development can determine different geometric shapes of stairs.

The staircase can be:

  • Slat side.
  • Frontal (at the head, foot or in the middle).
  • Modular, in the form of step boxes.
  • Removable, attached.

A ladder for a loft bed can be made of metal or wood.

Price for a loft with a sofa below

Room interior in soft colors with a loft bed and a corner sofa

The cost of a bunk bed with a sofa can be different, depending on many factors:

  • manufacturing materials;
  • design complexity;
  • presence of additional elements;
  • seller's pricing policy.

The range of prices for this category of furniture for a children's room is quite wide: the cost starts from 9-10 thousand rubles for standard models made of laminated chipboard without any special design additions. There are options at a price of 38-40 thousand rubles - these are products based on thicker laminated chipboard using natural veneer, fabric upholstery, or containing additional elements - drawers. A sofa, which may have a different transformation mechanism, usually increases the cost. Models without the ability to fold out - compact ottomans instead of full-fledged folding structures reduce the cost.

Non-folding sofa for the children's room with a loft bed “Cloud”

The seller’s pricing policy plays an important role in the cost of this type of children’s furniture. Typically, intermediaries who buy products from manufacturing factories and sell them at retail increase prices by 15-25% of cost in order to recoup costs and make a profit. If the sale is carried out directly by the manufacturer from a warehouse (this is usually how furniture is sold through online stores), then the cost may even be lower than the market average.

The stores offer various models with a sofa below at affordable prices. Explore the assortment and choose the one that suits you based on cost, size and design.

Original collapsible loft bed with wooden frame and vintage metal frames

Location rules

A loft bed complemented by a sofa is ideal for small living spaces. It will become an interesting detail in a room of any size, decorating a nursery or an adult bedroom. A two-tier design not only saves space, but also perfectly organizes space and is a way of zoning. A good choice for a studio apartment is when there is a spacious double bed upstairs, and downstairs there is a real mini-room with a wardrobe, sofa, table, chairs and shelves.

Such a furniture set, especially when equipped with additional elements, makes it possible to highlight a “room within a room.” It connects the office for work with the bedroom and living room, and allows you to create a corner for the child. Such solutions are the best solution for owners of one-room housing and studio apartments. They are placed either along the wall (in the center, in the corner), or with their end to the wall.

With the help of a two-story complex, you can comfortably arrange a nursery. For a younger child (preschooler), they will equip an additional play area on top, making the bed in the shape of a castle, a ship, a car, or a beautiful house with windows. The product can be equipped with sports equipment (rope ladder, rope, rings, pipes, swings, slide). For a teenager, it is better to choose a loft bed with a sofa in a minimalist style with a laconic design and strict geometric shapes. This furniture should be placed in the room in such a way that the child can see everyone entering, but not directly opposite the door.

In general, the variety of design ideas allows you to fit a loft bed into almost any room. They look great in a minimalist, high-tech, or modern interior. The exception is the canonical classical styles - Renaissance, Versailles, Baroque, Antique.

The best selection of photos with a loft bed and a sofa below in the interior of the rooms:


BedsDo-it-yourself attic bed - choice of design, dimensions, diagrams and drawings


BedsBed made of chipboard. Advantages and disadvantages

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