How and with what to paint a wooden crib

All children love to be surrounded by bright, colorful, light and cheerful objects. Painting children's furniture in bright colors, applying cartoon characters, fairy-tale characters, flowers, patterns or cute animals to its surface will delight any child and add a good mood to everyday life. You can create a designer crib in just a few weekends.

Basic Rules

Repairing broken bed elements does not require such a careful approach as, for example, repairing mirrors, but it still cannot be done without preliminary preparation. It is also necessary to select materials and tools, find out the cause and type of damage. In addition, it is important to follow certain rules for carrying out work:

  • before screwing in the screws, holes are specially drilled for them, the depth of which is 2/3 of the length of the fastening element, and the diameter is 3/4 of its diameter;
  • before screwing in the screws, the prepared hole is filled with PVA glue or a polymer-based emulsion;
  • It is better to choose nails with a ring notch;
  • It is also recommended to coat the joints of parts with glue;
  • nails are hammered only some time after gluing the parts (12–16 hours).

The dimensions of the fasteners must correspond to the dimensions of the furniture.

To carry out the work, the following tools are required:

  • drill with wood drills;
  • chisels of different sizes;
  • plane and mallet;
  • hammer;
  • screwdrivers or screwdriver;
  • nail puller;
  • clamps.

You also need saws with teeth of different sizes or a jigsaw. Additional tools are: ruler, tape measure and square, knife, pliers or pliers, furniture stapler. The composition of items for repair may vary depending on the type of breakdown.

Before screwing in the screws, the prepared hole is filled with PVA glue or a polymer-based emulsion

It is also recommended to coat the joints of parts with glue during the repair process.

You can hammer in nails only some time after gluing the parts (12–16 hours)

Additional recommendations

It is not necessary to paint the crib with only one type of paint material. You can show your imagination and paint only individual elements, and apply varnish to the rest of the surface, because wood itself is a beautiful material. You can buy small jars of azure in different colors and make the furniture multi-colored; this will help your baby learn to distinguish colors.

By creating a new bed design for a child, you can simultaneously increase the ventilation of the mattress due to the bottom of the crib. This is done by cutting a hole in the bottom of the product, which consists of fiberboard or a solid sheet of plywood.


Failure options and fixes

To repair a bed at home, you must first find out the cause and type of damage. Most often it is necessary to restore the legs, slats, frame of the product, as well as the spring mattress. The technology for carrying out work is different in each case.

Leg repair

If the entire structure is attached to the legs, then bed repairs must be carried out very carefully. When parts become loose, the fasteners must be tightened. If they break, it is better to completely replace them. To do this, the nuts are unscrewed, damaged components are removed, and others are installed in their place and clamped with fasteners. Ready-made parts can be purchased or made independently. If the master is a beginner, then the first option is preferable.


Most often, children's beds have to be repaired. The reason is that this type of furniture for a child is not only a piece of recreation. He can play on it, jump, do what he likes. This often causes damage to the lamella. If the damage is minor, then it is enough to fix the element with glue. Otherwise, the part is replaced.
Moreover, now you can purchase not only the lamella itself, but also its holders, which are most often damaged.

Painting process

It takes very little time and expense to remodel an old wooden crib. All work consists of the following stages:

  • First of all, disassemble the crib into its component parts;
  • old paint, if any, must be removed and the wooden surfaces polished with fine-grain sandpaper, trying to make them as smooth as possible;
  • sand large parts using a special round attachment on a drill with emery pads;
  • remove dust from treated surfaces in order to apply paint and varnish materials in an even, clean layer;
  • Wash small parts and grilles thoroughly with soapy water and dry well;
  • sanded elements should be coated with a water-based stain that has the same tone as the gratings;
  • assemble the furniture, firmly connecting all the parts;
  • Apply clear acrylic varnish or paint to all elements, including grilles. The choice of varnish should be given special attention. It must be safe for children's toys and not contain harmful substances. It is good to use one that is water-based, odorless, dries very quickly and is absolutely harmless to the child’s health. Paint or varnish must be applied in 2 layers;
  • at the next stage, use a rag or sandpaper to walk along the edges of the product where drops of paint could have accumulated;
  • After painting, the baby crib should not be left in the fresh air (on the street or on the balcony) until the paintwork has completely dried. Otherwise, small debris or insects may stick.

For painting you will need a roller, brushes and a sponge. Large, flat surfaces should be painted with a roller. Brushes of different sizes are convenient to use for rods and crib posts; a sponge works well for small elements.

During work, you need to make sure that paint clots do not appear in certain places. To do this, you need to put a small amount of liquid on a brush or roller.

How to eliminate a squeak

It's uncomfortable to fall asleep on a bed that creaks. In addition, this unpleasant sound can irritate others. In houses with thin walls, even neighbors can hear it. To get rid of a problem, you need to determine the cause of its occurrence. Depending on the type of breakdown, eliminating squeaks in beds with your own hands is done as follows:

  1. The frame of the product is carefully inspected beforehand. Pay attention to all connecting elements. If they are loose, they are tightened. Additionally, screws and bolts are lubricated with a furniture composition based on wax and soap. Excess gaps in the wooden frame of the bed can be eliminated using a cork seal. Additionally, it is recommended to use furniture glue.
  2. Often the cause of squeaking is the springs of the mattress. Due to the constant load, they become unbalanced. You can correct the situation by turning the product over. If this does not help, then you need to replace the springs and purchase a new mattress. It happens that the product rubs against the frame of the bed and a squeak appears. The defect can be eliminated by preventing contact of the mattress with the wood.
  3. An unpleasant sound is often produced by broken slats. If they cannot be repaired, then it is better to replace the incorrectly functioning elements.
  4. It is also necessary to slightly rock the legs of the bed. In this case, creaking occurs in the area where the supports connect to the frame.
  5. The cause of the unpleasant sound is defects in the supporting structure - cracks. If they are numerous, then it is better to replace the housing. Single damage is filled with furniture glue and reinforced with a metal plate.
  6. The creaking occurs due to the fact that the bed is on an uneven floor. In this case, it is better to move the furniture to another place or replace the floorboards.

The simplest and most reliable way to eliminate squeaking is to update old parts. It is important to pay attention to the lifting mechanism.

What paint to paint a baby crib

Furniture for a child should be safe, but at the same time well protect the wood from damage, and the baby from injury if there are roughnesses on the surface.

Interior paint.

There are other requirements for finishing materials:

  • a prerequisite is the absence of various volatile components in the composition of the material;
  • the paint should not contain heavy metals, toxic and other dangerous substances, since children often bite improvised objects;
  • high drying speed, solvents in the composition must be harmless;
  • No flammable substances are used in the production of paint for children's furniture; in addition, pay attention to the properties of materials, their behavior during the combustion process - the components should not emit toxic compounds;
  • resistance to moisture, aggressive environments and mechanical loads;
  • ease of care;
  • elasticity, which ensures the material’s resistance to the influence of negative factors and extends its service life.

It is better to consider glossy paint for painting a baby crib, since a matte finish is more difficult to clean - any dirt is imprinted on it and immediately catches the eye.

Water based

Water-dispersed compositions are considered the most preferable for painting surfaces and structures in a children's room. Such materials are divided into the following types:

  1. Acrylic compositions. The paint of this group meets the requirements for finishing materials in a nursery. Moreover, the price is reasonable. The advantages include the presence of antibacterial additives in the composition. It dries quickly and the coating is smooth. The material tolerates mechanical stress, moisture, temperature changes and ultraviolet radiation well.
  2. Latex. The paint is based on synthetic latex. The price of compositions in this group is lower than acrylic ones. When painted, a moderately durable coating is created. The material tolerates contact with liquid well, which makes maintenance easier. Disadvantages: exposure to ultraviolet radiation, temperature changes.
  3. Silicone compounds. They are resistant to moisture. When painting, a film is formed on the surface of wood that is prone to self-cleaning. It is characterized by hydrophobic properties, elastic, not susceptible to microorganisms, allows steam to pass through, tolerates temperature changes well and lasts a long time.
  4. Polyvinyl acetate materials. This option is also suitable for finishing children's furniture. Advantages of the material: does not emit toxic substances when burning, resistant to ultraviolet radiation and aggressive environments. The coating is elastic, but does not tolerate contact with moisture.

Please note: Methods for removing paint from ceilings

Based on milk casein

Milk casein based paint

These are safe materials and do not contain volatile components. The composition includes milk casein, porcelain. The last of them acts as a strengthening substance. The first is in the form of a binding component.

When applied to wood, no characteristic odor appears; the composition is characterized by high adhesion, which allows you to treat even surfaces on which old paint remains.

Such materials are considered conditionally safe. This expands the scope of their application. A composition of this type can be used to improve the appearance of particle boards: chipboard, fiberboard, laminated chipboard. The material can be used in confined spaces.

Troubleshooting spring mattress problems

The mattress is an essential part of the bed design that provides comfort. This item requires proper care. It is better to change it every 5 years, but if this is not possible, then it is recommended to correct the shortcomings that appear yourself. Standard beds use a spring mattress that deforms over time.

For repair work you will need the following materials and tools:

  • nails with a hammer;
  • slats;
  • upholstery fabric;
  • furniture stapler;
  • foam;
  • spare springs.

Repairing a spring mattress involves the following steps:

  1. Preparation of the workplace. The product must be placed so that it can be approached from all sides. It is better to place it on stools placed in the corners. The base is freed from fasteners and paper clips.
  2. Replacement of internal parts. The fabric that insulates the springs is cleaned of dust. The old element binding is removed.
  3. Elimination of defects on the base of the mattress. The torn parts are sewn back into place.
  4. Restoration of springs. Each element must stand strictly vertically and rise 10 cm above the frame level. To fasten the parts, slats and belts are used.
  5. Strapping. This process requires a responsible approach. It is necessary to hammer nails along the edges of the frame. A thin rope is used to tie the top of the springs. First, the rows are processed across, and then along. Do not pull the string too tightly so that the springs maintain a vertical position and do not touch each other. Additionally, the strapping is done diagonally, after which the nails are bent.
  6. Finishing. A lining is placed on the resulting mesh, which is fixed to the frame with slats.

Lastly, the mattress is covered with facing fabric. Immediately after the restoration work is completed, the furniture is ready for use. Repairing a bed with your own hands is a completely feasible task. You need to collect the necessary tools and materials, and also determine the cause of the breakdown. If you cannot restore the product, then it is better to purchase a new model.

DIY decoration of a crib frame


The sides perform not only a decorative function, they also protect the baby from drafts and protect him from bruises when he begins to try to crawl and stand up on his own.

Finished products offered by stores are most often decorated with colorful designs, but self-sewn borders can be made in the form of a developmental panel. Making them is quite simple.

An example of educational bumpers for a baby

The only thing you need to remember is that every detail must be securely fixed so as not to harm the child.

Using the pattern, you can sew the sides yourself

Fabric applications

The soft sides of the crib are decorated with hand-made appliqués made of felt or cotton fabric. It is important that each element is large enough and firmly sewn to the base - at an early age, children learn about the world by trying to touch and even taste all the surrounding objects. They can tear off loosely sewn appliqués and cause harm to themselves.

Fabric applications on children's bumpers


You can also decorate the sides using special stickers; you can find them in hardware or furniture departments. Such products are easy to remove if necessary; they do not leave sticky marks on the surface of the furniture.

Ready-made applications

You can purchase special adhesive-based applications in the store. The choice of such products is huge: from simple patterns to fairy-tale characters. They can be glued to any furniture and will stick firmly.

To decorate the crib, you can use ready-made fabric applications

To decorate a baby's crib, you should not use products decorated with rhinestones and other easily detachable elements.


You can decorate a baby crib by applying a design to the frame with your own hands: an ornament, a floral pattern or images of cartoon characters.

Decorating a baby crib with paint

For this purpose, it is recommended to use water-based latex or acrylic paints: they dry quickly, are odorless and do not contain toxic substances.


The canopy, designed to protect the baby from drafts, insects and light, also provides great opportunities for decorating the child's sleeping place. A crib with a canopy installed above it looks more comfortable and elegant.

Crib with canopy

You can buy a finished product to suit every taste in a store, but a home-made canopy is much better. A few recommendations for making a canopy:

To work, you will need a holder (it can be purchased separately) and fabric. It is best to use natural materials (cotton, linen).

Scheme for making a canopy for a crib

The amount of fabric that will be needed to create a canopy depends on the level at which the finished product is planned to be placed. It is worth purchasing a piece of a slightly longer length than necessary so that there is definitely enough material.

The finished product can be decorated with frills, fabric stickers and other elements.

According to child psychologists, the environment in which a child grows up greatly influences his personal qualities, and therefore it is especially important to create a comfortable and friendly atmosphere for your child.


“Shops offer ready-made frames for canopies for every taste, but if you want to decorate a crib with such a design, it’s easy to do it yourself.”

Installing a canopy is another way to protect your baby from insects, dust and light during daytime sleep. The only drawback of this piece of furniture is the need to wash it regularly (and quite often), since dust quickly accumulates on the fabric.

What is a lamella

Before you begin, you need to familiarize yourself with the description of the features of the lamellas in more detail. Lamels are wooden structures that have a curved shape. Their characteristic features include a high level of elasticity and elasticity. It is thanks to these features that the mattress can be securely fixed.

Such wood products are laid out at a distance of 2-5 centimeters. This allows slatted beds to be used by both thin and overweight people. The thickness of one plank reaches ten millimeters, and the width does not exceed thirty. However, cheap beds can use boards 4-5 millimeters thick.

Main causes of breakdowns

Sometimes people find that the board in their bed is broken. There are several main reasons why a wooden plank can break:

  1. Exceeding permissible loads. Wooden slats have certain load limits that should not be exceeded. However, some people still overload them, which later leads to breakdowns. Therefore, it is recommended to familiarize yourself with the permissible loads of the slatted bed in advance.
  2. Marriage. Sometimes manufacturers install low-quality products made from defective wood. This often happens when using overdried wood, which quickly breaks even under light loads.
  3. Long-term operation. Slats may break if used for more than ten years.

How to choose new ones

Sometimes it is not possible to repair old products and you have to replace them with new ones. Before purchasing new boards, you will have to understand the specifics of the purchase.


When making sofa grilles, lamellas are used, which may differ in size. Therefore, before purchasing, you should familiarize yourself with the main types of such products:

  1. Wide. These designs are purchased if you need to replace the slats on large sofas where bonnells with springs are installed. The width of such boards does not exceed seven centimeters.
  2. Narrow. They are considered a universal material, as they are suitable for any mattress. Experts advise buying narrow slats for beds that have spring mattresses. This will increase the strength of the structure. The width of narrow lamella materials is 4-5 millimeters. The thickness of such planks is small and reaches only three millimeters.


Having decided on the dimensions, you need to figure out the optimal number of slats. Some people don't know how many boards they need to buy to strengthen the base of the bed.

Experts recommend buying a lot of lamellas, since the strength of the product depends on this.

To determine the required number of slats, take into account the dimensions of the bed. For example, for double structures, at least thirty planks are purchased. For single beds, 15-20 pieces are enough. However, some manufacturers install more than thirty slats to make the sofa more elastic and resistant to stress.


Most often, slats for sofas are made of wood. It is used to make adhesive plywood, which is laid in several layers to create a more durable surface. Products made from plywood are characterized by good elasticity and elasticity. The lamellas can also be made from the following materials:

  1. Birch. Budget products are made from young birch trees. Such structures are not very durable and therefore are not recommended to be used.
  2. Beech. To make more reliable bed bases, beech is often used. This wood is flexible and highly durable.

How to repair and replace slats

At the initial stage of repair, it is necessary to get rid of damaged planks. They are carefully removed from the groove, moved to the side and removed from the structure. Some types of lamellas are attached using special holders. In this case, you will have to use pliers or a screwdriver.

Some people use a hammer, but it is not recommended to use it so as not to accidentally damage the structure.

If the slats are broken in the central part of the bed, you can swap them with the outer slats. This is done when one or two planks are broken. If more lamellas are broken, you will have to buy new ones. In this case, it is recommended to buy the same products as before. The purchased products are carefully attached to the bed using clamps. After installation, you need to check the reliability of the fastening and make sure that the slats are not loose.

How do manufacturers paint cribs?

For a newborn, select furniture that does not contain toxic substances. For this reason, the most common option is made of wood. To eliminate the risk of injury if a splinter gets under the child’s skin and to increase the service life of such a product, it is painted. In production conditions, the following options are used:

  1. Water-based compositions. Materials of this group do not cause harm to the child’s body; the unpleasant odor when painted quickly disappears. The coating is smooth, and the layer of dried paint is pleasant to the touch. Colored composition or transparent water-based varnish is popular. More often, a baby's crib is painted brown or white. If varnish is used, the natural texture of the material is preserved. At the same time, it is not advisable to decorate a piece of furniture in a different color, even if the coating is outdated. It can be restored.
  2. Oil paints. Such compositions do not allow moisture to pass through and allow you to apply a uniform layer of material. Oil paints protect wooden structures well from damage. To increase the service life of the coating and the crib itself, special additives (antiseptic) are used. This helps prevent the development of mold, mildew, and rotting.

How to repair a lifting mechanism with your own hands

Sometimes the bed lifting mechanism, which is responsible for transforming the structure, breaks along with the slats. The following signs indicate a breakdown:

  • spontaneous lowering of the orthopedic base;
  • jamming of the mechanism when lifting or lowering the structure;
  • creaking and other extraneous sounds that occur during operation.

If one of the listed symptoms appears, it is necessary to disassemble the lifting mechanism. To do this, the mattress is removed from the bed, after which its base is unscrewed. Then the fasteners are unscrewed, with the help of which the mechanism is screwed to the structure. It is difficult to repair such a product yourself and therefore it is better to take it to a specialist who professionally repairs furniture.

Methods for restoring an old bed

If the bed is too old, you can restore it and make it look like new furniture. During the restoration process, it is necessary to carefully inspect the structure and identify parts that require replacement. Most often, the springs and mattress are changed during restoration. Sometimes people decide to replace worn side panels. To do this, you will have to purchase new panels that are suitable for the restored sofa. If the side parts are not very worn, you can sand them and varnish them. It is recommended to use varnish mixtures that have a mahogany tint.

How to paint a baby crib at home?

It makes sense to paint a baby crib if it is not new, because at the time of purchase you can purchase furniture for the nursery in almost any color scheme. For work, it is important to choose non-toxic paints and follow safety precautions. It is not advisable for the expectant mother to renew the coating on her own. You need to involve close people in this.

For children's furniture, it is necessary to carefully select paint, as it must meet all safety parameters and not contain dangerous compounds.

How to paint a baby crib? When choosing materials, it is important to focus not only on the desired shade, but also on complete safety for newborns (see also: videos and lessons on knitting booties for newborns). They should not contain toxic solvents, poisonous oxides, volatile chemical compounds, heavy metal salts and other harmful impurities. The following types of paints meet these requirements:

The following elements most often fail in children's beds:

  1. Locking mechanism. In folding beds, it is the dismantling system that fails the fastest. As a result, the product is deformed, one part of it may “fall” relative to the others: the surface becomes lumpy.
  2. Orthopedic base. Wooden ribs have a tendency to bend and break, and the entire frame can crack.
  3. Frame. The structure can break due to both mechanical stress and natural wear and tear of materials.
  4. Legs. Finally, another weak link is the “pedestal” on which the entire product rests: just jumping with friends a few times.
  5. Mattresses. It is difficult to call such a problem a “breakdown” in the full sense of the word. Over time, the base becomes deformed and large depressions appear in it, which negatively affect children's posture.
  6. Other elements. If the product is a complex structure, other parts may break or become deformed.

Material requirements

There are several points that you should pay attention to when choosing paints and varnishes.

  • Safety. This means that the composition should not contain any compounds or substances that, when evaporated, can cause allergic reactions and irritation.
  • The packaging must indicate that the material complies with international standards allowing its use for children's toys and furniture. In particular, this is the European certificate EN 71.
  • Safe crib paint must be water based. And this is very important. Not a drying oil or a solvent, since when they dry, they still contain impurities of not very useful substances. In addition, they have a sharp, strong odor that lasts for a long time.
  • Strength and elasticity are another selection criterion. The product must withstand not only numerous attempts to bite or lick the components of the structure, but also washing and numerous wipes with a rag.

There are several reasons why children's beds break down.

1. Aggressive exploitation. It’s a rare child who truly appreciates their parents’ money and care: kids can jump on the edge of the frame, jump on the mattress, and ram the structure with chairs. 2. Natural wear and tear. Wood in all its forms (solid wood, MDF, chipboard) is subject to delamination, drying out, and its service life is limited by time. 3. Design errors. A common problem is when the orthopedic base is mounted separately from the furniture frame. As a result, after just a few months, the legs of the item may break off due to mechanical stress. 4. Incorrect assembly. Sliding and lifting mechanisms break down most quickly due to improper installation: replacing them is expensive.

Thus, if the bed is out of order due to natural wear and tear, or destroyed by little vandals, spending money on its restoration is unreasonable. Moreover, the Sleep Therapy store has inexpensive and high-quality options for a child of any age. Increased attention is paid to mattresses and bases: sleeping on such a bed is a pleasure.

How often should you change your bed mattress?

Often, the repair of children's beds depends on the replacement of this element. The frequency of replacement depends on the type of mattress and its design. Products with spring blocks have a longer service life and deform more slowly. Traditional solutions may become unusable due to inconsistency with the anatomical parameters of the baby.

We recommend changing mattresses as they wear out, but at least once every 5 years. Such an investment in the health of the younger generation will definitely pay off, because only healthy sleep can keep the musculoskeletal system normal.

The front wall of the crib began to fall down (I really don’t want to use ropes. Can anyone recommend a solution?

If your stick is placed on protruding metal parts such as the head of a bolt, then you can stick Velcro onto the caps and put this stick in place as it should be. Velcro like chewing gum (plasticine does not stick very much) should be used so that if necessary you can remove the stick. In extreme cases In this case, you can wrap the film from disposable bags around the bolts and put the stick (the main thing is that the stick sits tightly) in place. Just don’t wrap it too much, otherwise the stick may crack.


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